>Chitin is a large, structural polysaccharide made from chains of modified glucose. Chitin is found in the exoskeletons of insects, the cell walls of fungi, and certain hard structures in invertebrates and fish. In terms of abundance, chitin is second to only cellulose.
>Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.
>Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.
>Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.
>Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.
>Like cellulose, no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.


>Parasites were detected in 81% of the sample, and at least 30% are known to be potentially harmful to humans.

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they want us to eat bugs we can't even digest? you gotta be chitin me

>no vertebrate animals can digest chitin on their own.
Explain this. Do they buy Chitinase supplements at their local drug store?

Attached: Myresluger2.jpg (850x575, 803.99K)

studies show chitin is good for x and y and z

X = Chronic inflammation
Y = Pediatric Lung Disease
Z = Allergic Asthma

>chitinase-like proteins have been described as dysregulated in a variety of diseases characterized by chronic inflammation and tissue remodeling

>Chitin is a major component of a variety of allergy-triggering environmental components, including house-dust mites or fungal spores, and fungal asthma is increasingly appreciated as an under-diagnosed disease entity

>the role of chitinases and chitinase-like proteins in pediatric lung diseases are reviewed, leading up to a summary of ideas how these mechanisms could be exploited to improve diagnostics and therapeutics in lung diseases in childhood and beyond

>highlighted by Shibata et al. who demonstrated that chitin activates peritoneal/alveolar macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells to express a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines

>Van Dyken et al. further demonstrated that fungal chitin from asthma-associated home environments induced allergic eosinophilic lung inflammation

>Collectively, these studies strongly suggest that chitin can contribute to the development of allergic type 2 (Th2) inflammation by activating innate immune cells.

>When viewed in combination, chitin is a central component of potential pro-allergic microbes (e.g., Aspergillus fumigatus and house-dust mite) and has been shown to drive Th2-associated immune responses. Mechanisms that interfere with chitin metabolism are therefore of high relevance for allergic diseases and infections with chitin-bearing pathogens such as fungi.

>acidic mammalian chitinase has been linked to allergic asthma and hypersensitivitie

The chitinase-like protein YKL-40 and its involvement in lung diseases

Attached: The role of chitin, chitinases, and chitinase-like proteins in pediatric lung diseases.jpg (800x457, 55.54K)

>Not realizing that corn fields can by infested by crickets

'can't digest chitin on their own' is pretty meaningless. Human gut microflora outnumber human cells 10;1 in most people, and do lots of stuff that we'd be SOL without them.
All of that adds up to the same kind of reaction plenty of people have to gluten. I've got family who are gluten-intolerant or even celiac, and I'd be mad as a hornet if someone tried to outlaw bread because of it.
I'm not a big bug-lover but it's an amino-diverse, ecologically sustainable protein source. Y'all making Any Forums look bad.

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>ecologically sustainable protein source
Yeah so is grassfed beef, what's your fucking point?

I finally gave in and ate the bugs. I love bug meat now!

It's shit like this They do to say, 5 years from now
and leftists will make that argument

Pandas like bamboo grass

>What is chitinase?

Muthsera, but our hands certainly can!

Attached: wp_chitin.jpg (720x486, 24.54K)

This make it actually sound like a great low calorie meat alternative

chinese here. the fact that you can't digest it is a good thing. it means it works like fiber cleaning out your intestines.
i tried insects on my trip to Hong Kong and it was actually really good. my ansecestors ate insects for generations and nothing happened.

The point is that you have no clue how much land and water is used to produce grass-fed beef. There is nothing sustainable about it and you will never be able to feed even half of earth population on it.

Eat NOTHING but zee bugs for 3 months and report back in, if you're still alive that is. Enjoy those ass-worms.

>i tried insects on my trip to Hong Kong and it was actually really good. my ansecestors ate insects for generations and nothing happened.

They turned into chinks

>muh world population
Not my problem, eat beans faggot
My country is mostly pasturage and has been that way for thousands of years so fuck off with your "not sustainable" shit.
It's such an essential part of our history and culture that many of our myths revolve around cattle, fuck you

No shit. Anyone who has accidentally eaten shrimp/prawn skin knows this.

Yeah Im sure that worked out great for you, its not like the history of your country basically revolves around famines lmao.

r u chitin me

Yea cows can too i thought. Still, humans cant

They took the cows, also the grain. There were food riots and people attacked the carts bringing food to the ports but mostly died of disease before they starved.
So you can see why letting outlanders determine what we eat might be a hard sell, keep your eyes on your papayas and off our cows.