Brit/pol/ - Tomorrow's Chip Paper Edition

>Hate crime awareness courses are SCRAPPED by Hampshire police after controversy over army veteran arrested for a tweet - as free speech campaigners slam officers who 'think it's their job to be political guardians'
>Hampshire Constabulary ran sessions for people accused of racism, sexism, misogyny and transphobia
>The restorative justice scheme was funded out of the force's Police and Crime Commissioner's budget
>But it faced controversy when an army veteran, 51, was offered the course after retweeting a meme
>He was told he could avoid prosecution if he took part before police had conducted any investigation
>PCC Donna Jones revealed she is ending the contract with the company which manages the programme

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Nadiya Husseins willy

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Should change the generals name to boringpol

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Only boring cunts get bored

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cant imagine actually reading or giving a shit about anything these faggots print

who the fuck even needs organised media anymore

every real newsworthy event ive witnessed has been from a twitter post

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Thanks for the (You)s

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>thanks for the yous
must be a rarity

Only boring cunts say only boring cunts get bored


Would you take a job as a railway signalman?

Seems comfy and pays fookin loads

Back in my day we used to fiddle the lecky meter and dad told us not to answer the door incase it was the lecky man come to read the meter

23 in the last thread. Cope.

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Stick to being a rentboy, its always been your calling

You mean like you just did?

Serve you well does he?

>counting (you)s
Please tell me he's joking?

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>what is Ctrl + F

>28 posts in

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You're a gay loser
>No u
Tragically low IQ response

You know you can just hover the user id?

>mfw they're all boring

It's geek shit mate, you're a depressing loser

That shows the number of posts.

I'm not here to make you happy, you've got your rentboy for that.

Oh, I thought that's what you meant, but he/you meant actualy (You)s

i'll shut me gob

>being such a thick cunt that you got 1000 posts into 7500 and decided it keep going despite finding it boring

remember seeing a pic and it was someone saying
'instead of going to mcdonalds go to your local shop and buy some french bread and cheese and ham'

why dont they have french bread and cheese and ham drive thoughs ?

we can all say

'you know what you should have done'
'why dont you'

but it all just boils down to people needing to mind their own fucking business

also imagine counting responses you get on here

thats a highly shitskin like activity

thats a high level swarth skin activity

next you'll be on paint 3D reordering the boundaries of europe and making a thread about it

high level euroswarth activities

I called you a rentboy first, you now calling me a rentboy is an admission of total defeat and everyone knows it, your a gay faggot and a retard to lmao

>Brown demands action
Cor bloimey Gordo maybe we could sell all the gold again eh?

>I got 23 last thread

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>I called you a rentboy
Kek no you didn't you thick twat. State of you.

9r8GOCK+ currently engaged in what is known as a total meltdown

Omg you're absolutely apoplectic, careful you don't have a stroke pal

He says on his 21st post already lol

>have a stroke
rentboy speciality that

You'd know.

>Brain totally clouded with homosexual fantasies
You're like female footballer tier gay

Danish council estate life looks fun