Ackchually it's the LEFT that wants private corporations to be richer and more powerful

>ackchually it's the LEFT that wants private corporations to be richer and more powerful.
Why do Americans do this? Do they even know what economic leftism means?

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Maybe the spokesmen of the left can stop advocating for greater corporate censorship, then

There is a lot of misinformation about what economic leftism means. Many people believe that the left wants the government to control the economy, when in reality, the left believes in using government power to regulate and control private corporations. The goal of the left is to make sure that private corporations don't have too much power and that they don't exploit workers or the environment.

Do you even know that directionism is retarded?

Leftist make up terms a lot. Like emotional intelligence which is just another word for empathy, something none of them have.

Do you team up with the white house, the senate, house of representatives and all of Hollywood and academia, every major newspaper and television network to "join the resistance"?

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>American establishment neoliberals are the economic left
Can anybody explain where this retarded belief comes from? How badly did mutts get psyopped?

It’s not just “American establishment neoliberals”. It’s also self-styled “anarcho-communists”/“libertarian socialist” antifa types like Vaush and Hassan who defend corporate censorship all the time, as long as it’s against ebul right wing ideas


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>Vaush is the economic left
>reddit is the economic left
How to spot the terminally online alt right NPC

So. Who else is?
America has the Democrat party, and the Republican party.
If Democrats aren't left wing, who is? Republicans?

Hey, listen, if you’re a leftist who has an alternative vision for the left that does not involve advocating for corporate censorship and tranny worship at every turn, fine, go out there and put your ideas out there. But don’t be surprised when 90% of the online Left supporting these things leads ordinary conservatives to believe that the Left are prostitutes of the Silicon Valley oligarchy

>absolutely fucking retarded and yet he believe he's a genius
Every single time

poor nintendo. kikes are responsible for humiliating nintendo in memes.

>what do you mean America has a uniparty and elections are fake? Surely there must be clearly defined and diametrically opposed ideological sides here, right?

>no see establishment neoliberals are ackchually the economic left because I don't know what the difference is
Good to know that's how things are defined. Picrelated: the right wing.

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>How did you get psyopped?
What are you talking about we just watched you do that shit. You do it constantly.

Fox News and the likes of Rush Limbaugh have been telling them for like 30 years non-stop that whatever the Democratic party supports is "leftism" and its really really bad.

So if there is a uniparty, and no REAL left wing in america, what proof do you have that the left doesn't want private corporations and the rich to be more powerful?
Because it seems like the republicans claim to be right wing, and the democrats claim to be left wing

Americans are retarded, just like everyone else in the world. Leftists are unfathomably dumb and the stupidity of conservatives is beyond comprehension. They both argue and fight over the system that grinds them all into powder. Unfuckingbievable.

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There is no such thing as an economic left. All of the economic policies you want to introduce are contingent upon the "left-ification" of social values. It just so happens that the further left you push social values, (i.e, devaluing them and insisting upon either their subjectivity or complete non-existence) the further you open the door for globalists to take control. Insular communities create economic exclusively, a nationalistic people with a cohesive identity will not allow their local businesses to be usurped by Starbucks and also will not allow wetbacks to come and take the jobs that would have gone to their sons, and at lower pay as well. Basically, a society that is free of values is easy to control, for both the left and globohomo. Your ideologies align in such a way where you assist them without knowing, while they take advantage of your naivety and and divert your revolutionary energy into destroying the middle class. You are the knife that globalists drive into our ribs. The knife is only a tool, animated by the will of it's holder.

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FUCK CANADA, America is whiter than your piece of shit country!

Walmart and strip malls are virtually indistinguishable from Soviet Brutalism.
The gripe that leftists have with the American system isn't actually how it is, but that they personally don't control it.
If they obtained total power, I wouldn't actually get free healthcare or housing or any of the other surface level promises from these people. My only reward would be a bullet in the back of the head from the Decolonization Task Force.

Nah, we're smart.

Burger left isn't the same as global left.

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Nah, I deal with you retards every day. U dumb

hey don't punch pepe what did he do

>American education
Is so much more than a meme.

Daily reminder that leftists lie about everything. You'll notice that leftists real goal is to become rich and powerful themselves. Look at BLM lady, living in her mansions, then justifying how she deserves it. Look at AOC making hundreds of thousands, dressed in all designer clothing, while pretending to support the plebs.

Leftism is a lie. They don't want equality, they want supremacy.

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Was talking shit

The funniest shit is that while libs hecking love corporations they're still advocating for fucking them over with increased taxes. Meanwhile cons despise corporations and believe they're satanic criminals spreading pedophile worldwide but any form of punishment pressed against them are out of the question.

>there is no such thing as believing in not being raped to death by corporations
So this is what Americans really believe. The indoctrination is so thorough they actually can't contemplate not being happy with being raped by corporations. Very sad.

There is no such thing as left or right, there is the aggressively expansionist ideology of utopian shit heads that refer to themselves as the left, and then there is the other, or the "right." What the right is, is basically everything that is not the left. The right can be religious or irreligious, it can be futurist or low tech, it can be imperial or isolationist. The left is only the left; the left wants to spread, it wants to force itself upon a "backwards" people and push them into "progress," it wants to disarm and deracinated the population to preserve it's control. Leftism is a mind virus, a memetic hazard that threatens the entirety of humanity, a homogenizing force of sheer destruction and utter terror.

You're a retard shut up. Nothing you say is worthwhile.