Is it too late to have kids at 35?

I'm gonna wife my gf and she wants kids immediately after marriage. Did I miss the boat by waiting until I was 35? If I'm 37 when we have our second is that too late? Just give it to me straight guys. The girl hates nigs, and doesn't think women should be allowed to vote either.

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Are you financially stable and own property to raise your kids on?

your bitch rode the cock carousel for the last 20 years. and now that she hit the wall she want´s to settle down with a white beta male. just imagine how many BLACK COCKS and brown cocks and yellow cocks and even tho DOG COCKS she had in her holes.

My dad had me at 35 im kinda autistic but mostly healthy

Your gf sounds cringe but instead of being insecure if some higher power approves of you having kids, just do what you want

Don't bring such innocent precious things into a cruel world. Don't breed, the world is ugly and cruel and they don't deserve to be put through it.

Youre asking a bunch of youngfags and bots for an opinion as a 35 year old

What a fucking moron!

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my boss had another kid at 48 with some bitch in her early 30s I am pretty sure you are good its more about the bitch

No. 35-40 is actually the perfect age, imo.

It doesn't matter how old you are; how old is your gf?

The age doesn't matter for men, you are constantly producing sperm, you can have healthy offspring when you're 70 the only issue is whether you would live long enough to raise them. The bigger issue is your wife's age. Women are extremely unlikely to get pregnant by the time they are 40 years old and they have a high likelihood of miscarriage or birth defects if they do, most of them are functionally infertile by that point.

Literally doesn’t matter if you’re a dude, you fucking idiot. You can have a kid on your death bed at age 106 if you want. As long as the girl isn’t 35, you’re solid.

Even then, you’re fine. My best friend’s dad was 50 and his mom was 38 when they had him, and he’s a giga chad minor league baseball player.

Its never too late

Nah man, just raise it right and it'll be fine.

shes 23

It is more about the age of your wife. Pregnancy does sometimes take its time. You do not have any guarantee. As an obese american you will find it physically challenging to lift a baby or child. Better to try to have a child now than tomorrow given that you found a promising partner.

Don't believe these idiots. The chances of birth defects still increase with age in men, just to a lesser extent than women. We really don't need anymore depressed autistic kids running around right now.

Had my kid with my wife with both of us 34.
Do it now, it can still be done.
But to all of you out there, do it earlier. It'll be easier, and you'll be younger, healthier and more full of energy.

Yeah I'm not worried about fertility or anything my concern is will it be weird to be 50 and dropping my kid off at high school or watching them win the ball game

Youll be fine, just keep having kids young, you’ll want more when you’re older.

like I said my gf is 23, I'm 35.

Kinda big age gap, but if it's kids you're after you should be fine user

They don't unless you have some sort of testicular cancer. The reason birth defects increase with a woman's age is because all of the eggs she will ever have are produced when she is born, she will never have any more, and over time they deteriorate and she slowly loses them. This starts rapidly at 30 and accelerates even more at 35

>younger healthier full of energy
that's the concern. I don't want to not be able to throw the ball with my kid when he's trying out for varsity.

until 40, you have nothing to worry about.
Youre the male.
40 is when penis getting hard issues could start.
You can keep making babies as long as your penis gets hard

Ehh it depends you can be 50 and still relativly healthy, but if you eat goyslop everyday you'll be walking corpse by age 35

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Most of the other parents will be your same age. You are not old. Being an old dad is starting at 50. Quit worrying and start doing it. I was 30 when we had my daughter and it was the greatest thing to happen in my life. I love her more than anything else on earth.

yeah thats bs its just because the testing is always done with a woman the same age. roastoid cope

Start hitting the gym and eat a lot of protein, you can be strong well into your 50s if you take care of your body

a little.
But nobody cares that much.
Ive seen gray haired and balding men that look 50 or 60 pick up my classmates in kindargarten, nobody gave a fuck.

Based, have fun and enjoy your kids

lol, source? seething roastie

Playing with fire here. Her eggs are expiring any day now. Not even kidding

Lad if you're worried, just get on TRT after you're finished having kids. You'll be able to keep up then.

itll be hard yeah.
Willpower conquers all

Never too late
Irrelevant. Breeding like niggers is preferable to extinction.

bernie eccelstone had a kid at like 88..

You can have kids well into your 50s. After that, it's probably a bad idea.

This. Fathering kids after 30 has an increased chance of shit like mild autism but other than that it's fine.

Better late than never. Just get prenatal testing and be on the same page about raising a retard.

Yeah, but Bernie isn't exactly strapped for cash. I'd say 50 would be a reasonable upper limit for a regular guy.

I'm 6'3 and 190lb. I think maybe I should be at 175.

His old was your mother?

sweet, thanks man that makes me feel better about it.

No, not for a man. A man can have kids till he's 45-50. Women past 25 are a no-go if you want healthy kids.