Murdoch Murdoch... We need you

The content you made gave us hope. I miss you.

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Other urls found in this thread: (Ode to Pol).html

no thanks go fuck yourself

I have used this show to radicalized others as it did to me. Please come back

|> (Ode to Pol).html

If only they had an monero address. I would give them a couple hundred $.

Used to like him
Why did this fagget turn on trump?

People still like zogald?

Trump's use was always and remains only as a moderate center-right stop gap. He showed himself mediocre in usefulness for anything that matters in the long run.
It does not matter if he grows muh gdp by kike-% or kept fuel prices lower for a couple years, if the spics still take over by 2040. It means nothing if he ebic trollz the libzors on faggot social media, if ultimately he lets himself and everyone else be censored on same said media.
If the currency nosedives two years after his term, and all the cities are burning from riots, who gives a damned what the nigger employment rates where. No one should, it's meaningless vapid piss and shit.
He didn't do anything that matters, it does not matter in the end if he reduced taxes, to anyone but worthless enemy shekel-chasing lolberg Jews and Miga retards.

Trump wasn't enough in any way, toward the goal of saving the western world on the US front.

Trump turned on US, you imbecile.

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Don't care, still voting for Trump lol

Holy cringe. How old are you? 12?

Promotion of Trump and his allies makes leftists seethe and forces key movers of globohomo to reveal themselves.

That`s more important than any political decision he makes

I'm honestly convinced these guys were what Nick Fuentes watched for Saturday morning cartoons growing up instead of whatever played on Disney, Nick, Cartoon Network, etc.

Spic Fuentes? oh please

So is it confirmed that Murdoch and Chan are married or is it just speculation?

Murdoch completed his story in guardian of the rune. It's up to us now to use it as inspiration. I'm working on a page of a Manga retelling of MM right now. I want to have two chapters finished by the end of this year (It'll be somewhere around 20 chapters total, so I hope my pace increases)

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Trump was nice, but he wasn't /ourguy/. He's better than nothing, but so is gruel.

They're married and travel a lot. They mentioned vacationing to Japan a few times. Some say they fled the U.S. because Asian governments don't harass people over JQ-noticing stuff. The language barrier is a pretty good shield for political dissidents.

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When was that confirmed?