Is spanking your child an effective way of discipline? or is it child abuse?

is spanking your child an effective way of discipline? or is it child abuse?
>“Consequently, the child learns to use violence to get what she wants. In spite of the research that demonstrates that spanking is associated with higher rates of child aggression, most parents in the U.S. approve of and use corporal punishment to discipline their children.”

>The review found spanking to be associated with more than a dozen negative outcomes. Over the short term, spanking was found to harm the relationship between a parent and child and lead to anti-social behavior, depression, increased aggressive misbehavior, and low self-esteem among children.

my mom would spank me and it never helped with my behaviour. then again i was a retarded autist (diagnosed) so yeah. i grew up anti-social, depressed, and low self-esteem, but when i was little i was fairly happy, energetic, and social. plus, i have a shit relationship with my mom, who was the one who always did it.

share ur experience and stories about getting beaten. does it work, or does it only have negative consequences?

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It teaches them that if someone is messing up to just knock them out

If your child does not fear you for even raising your voice you are unimposing and a cuck.

>not getting hit with slippers, shoes, cable wires, broom sticks, tree branches, etc.

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>is spanking your child an effective way of discipline?
Corporal punishment works, but only if you do it right.

Well it worked for boomers, they turned out just fine.

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Every kid I know that has been spanked is now low iq trash, just like their parents.
If you have to hit your kids you've already failed.

seems weird but maybe as a parent you get so fed up there is no alternative.
My mom used to use the spoon over the dumbest shit though. It's a cope for their shitty parenting, trying to overcompensate for their failure raising you

It’s not child abuse but it’s not good. Mature adults don’t use violence to solve problems, especially when there is a massive power imbalance. Why would you teach your child this on the one hand and then use violence to solve behavior problems.
Also, your kid wants approval and attention. Use your words to show approval and give attention to encourage good behavior. Withdraw approval and attention (in a targeted, appropriate way) when behavior does deserve positive reinforcement.

I got spanked with a wooden back scratcher

The stick came down from heaven, beat your kids the moment they remind you of yourself.

Obviously depends on severity and intent. If your kid tries to burn your house down or inflict injury of a sibling, then yes- a few smacks is warranted - but if you're just making a fucked up ritual out of it for ego-charged reasons then its obviously cruel and unusual punishment.


It can make them vio-gay.

I never understood the idea of hitting children, I see a lot of single mothers yell, swear and hit their children. When I was growing up my father would sit me down and tell me why what I did was fucked up that he was dissapointed, then tell me what a man is supposed to do and that he loved me but expects better because he's not going to raise a son like that
Women don't have emotional control and I dont know how anyone thinks they do, that's while they impulsively beat down belittle and shame children, viable tactic until they hit puberty, which is wow, when children are big and strong enough to fight authority
And what do they do to fight authority? Scream and attack physically
You're raising an adult, only under very few circumstances are those behaviors acceptable but it's literally all they understand to get what they want
You're a role model, act like one, unless you spank your co workers don't spank your kids, why would you even want to do that?

Spanking child bad
Giving child sex hormones good
Disciplining child deserve prison sentence
Letting child dance sexually for gay men deserve TikTok

Brought to you by the inbred mutt council of America

I can't believe it, reasonable takes on Any Forums

It just gave me anger issues. It never actually improved my behavior, and they only stopped when I started hitting back. Hitting children or animals to try to make them behave in the way that you want is retarded, subhuman behavior.

Spanking is effective when it's used in situations where the child could actually face serious harm, or potential death. Like if they're climbing the counter tops or messing around in the kitchen while I'm trying to cook. What is worse? They get a little red mark on the fat of their thigh and goes away after a little while, or me possibly tripping over them and losing my grip on whatever hot pot or pan I'm trying to move to another counter and it falling/pouring it's contents ON THEM?

The purpose of physical punishment is to deter behavior or actions that lead to long-term consequences that don't get better. Something your faggot psychiatrists gloss over.

There is such a thing as genetically-based intelligence. Spanking isn't what causes the low-intelligence.

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Why do you want to lay hands on the very people you should find most precious in your sad pathetic life, the life you created
Hitting kids is right up there with pedophilia to me, you're fucking their heads and bodies up

Only as a last resort, otherwise, you're a shitty nigger of a parent. Bottom line.

I think its wasteful, make the kid flip cement-filled tires for a set duration with a repeat-offence time multiplier.

They've done studies on it, it does, just like breast feeding is correlated with higher IQ, it's not a solid number as you'd like to think, it can change despite the relatively small change. Emotional intelligence, the thing healthy women are supposed to pass along, is a thing and that's what you're fucking up

Because most of the time I deserved any beating I got. Both me and my sister only got hit for disrespect, nothing else. And guess what, we were always excellently behaved in front of any people. Some times words just won't do, and there's no respect without a dash of fear. If you're a good parent, beating your child should be a tool in your arsenal, one that makes you feel worse then them when you do it. But guess what, good and hard choices are usually the same ones.

Thats because you're a filthy serbnigger

>Gets beat repeatedly for doing dumb shit
>This taught me something
>Keeps doing dumb shit
>Keeps getting beat
Either you're retarded or it didn't work

It also teaches them that violence is a legitimate means to get what you want, which is absolutely based by the way.

Of course mutt. I'm the one that grew up in a nuclear family, with a healthy and homogeneous population around me. I've been to your America, and never in my life have i seen so many fags, niggers, homeless, and fat people all crammed into one place.

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You shouldn't condemn a working method just because it created some bad apples.
It just proves that these people were already rotten to the core and should've been spanked more thoroughly

Everyone always says it's bad but never offers any alternatives. Calmly talk to them and ask them to please stop? Lol. We've all seen how well that works in a public setting. Positive reinforcement for good behaviour? Maybe, but that just teaches them to fake/manipulate to get what they want. Timeout? They get desensitized to that quickly as well.
Don't have kids but I think about this sometimes. Most people's kids are monsters and most people are shitty and entitled adults so very little actual success going on when it comes to parenting.

Didn't work for me, because I'm mildly autistic with ADHD

So yeah I was retarded (while also regarded as above average IQ by my peers and some adults)

yes, my mommy use to beat the shit out of me if i acted like a nigger. so when times came when i wanted to act like a nigger, i felt the pain & refained from doing it again.

kids that dont get disiplined physically generally turn out to be undisiplined cunts

Nope, but it's a good way to ensure some revenge elder abuse in your future

What a straw man.

>If you have to hit your kids, you've already failed.
Pretty much, yeah.

Only shitty parents spank their kids
t. a dad

None of the last three follows from the first.

>is spanking your child an effective way of discipline? or is it child abuse?
Depends how hard and why and who it's for.

Proper abuse would be making them completely undress and then marching them through town with a nun ringing a bell and saying "Shame!"

I had a sixth-grade teacher who made me do push-ups whenever I was being unruly. I got really good at push-ups.