J Question

This is a serious post and I'm hoping to have a genuine discussion, please. I have a question about Jewish behavior, in general. I'll start by listing what I already know about their stereotypical demeanor.

>They like to subvert preexisting systems.
>They like to take over host nations while demonizing its native people.
>They like to spit in the face of tradition and customs, while promoting warped neo-trends that are backwards to the original culture.
>They pretend to be (((fellow Whites))).
>They are always promoting influx of migrants, open borders, and the "rights" of minorities.
>Jews are always talking about how they love blacks and stuff.

So, now to my question. I guess this question excludes the obvious Jews (like Soros) who are actively executing the Kalergi Plan. Are ALL Jews behind this cultural fellatio of minorities? Is some of it sincere, like from Hollywood Jews? It seems like some of Hollywood kikes (like Seth Rogen or Sarah Silverman) genuinely act like they really want to see change for the blacks. So, are some of them for real or is it all an act from (((actors)))? Is it all some conspiracy or deeper plan or is it, simply, just in their nature/genetics to behave this way? Can they not help it? Is there some innate feature within them to loathe Whites? Because of Jews view all of us as goyim or cattle, why do some of them act like they really give a shit about niggers?

Thanks for reading if you did, sincerely.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s…

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>Dr. Kevin MacDonald Discusses Jews & Immigration

>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy

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Thank you for the provided content. I'm grateful for you taking the time to give me links.

it's an evolutionary tactic to get the host population to concentrate on and target a different group to attack, instead of attacking the jewish people
a lot of this is more or less covered in mainstream documentaries like "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood"

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>Are ALL Jews behind this cultural fellatio of minorities? Is some of it sincere, like from Hollywood Jews? It seems like some of Hollywood kikes (like Seth Rogen or Sarah Silverman) genuinely act like they really want to see change for the blacks. So, are some of them for real or is it all an act from (((actors)))?
Obviously jews are individuals and have their own opinions. But the issue is that it's culturally encouraged among jew communities, and jews generally perceive their self interest in being that way.

In my opinion many of them ARE genuine in their actions. They truly do want to help blacks in many cases. But underlying that desire to help is their self interest in creating such a society (where whites do not have power) and getting social praise, and status for doing it.

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>Is there some innate feature within them to loathe Whites?
It's not innate imo. It's just going along with their self interest. By attacking white people, they get social points with the minority community including the jewish community. They are doing politics, and that politics works its way into their actual opinions over time. If you are jewish and see a bunch of jews hating white people, you may start to also hate white people just to fit in or whatever. Monkey see monkey do.

>Destroying to white patriarchy is bad when Jews don't get voted into power.

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They are biological parasites acting out their inner nature. Some of them delude themselves into thinking they’re healing the world, some are satanists etc and a small minority are aware of what they are and what is inevitably coming which is why they plan and do everything to put it off

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Imagine you were born in Nigeria. Imagine everything they said to you and taught since school was how niggers persecuted your ancestors, that you have a literal religion that says niggers deserve to be slaves, that everything they created is shit, and you can literally kill them and steal to them with no consequences, and your whole identity is centered about this doctrine and around money. Now imagine this, and imagine you somehow manage to get in a position of power in said Nigeria, and you find many other whites in power, who were also raised in your same way. Now imagine your ancestors survived 2000 years thanks to trickery, corruption, lack of any morals, lack of empathy, honor and self-respect, and they finally passed their genes onto you.

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But they want to live in white countries, what do they expect when they'll neggrify all the nations? Life will get better? Oh boy...

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