You'll bend the knee, nazi

You'll bend the knee, nazi.

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Is this another one of those everyone I don't like is literally Hitler threads?

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You're a bourgeois and you're literally killing people like me.

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No, I'm a disabled Autist asking a question.

You're not a real autist. Therefore, you cannot beneficit from any privilege in regard to your non-existent handicap, bigot.

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Yes I am.You're not a real Communist though.

Are you racist ? Of course I'm a real communist. I'm for the end of the nation state and the end of France like we knew it. All hail liberty and progressism !

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Appoligize for bullying me just for asking a question biggot.Not my fault that I'm autistic and want to know how the world and people work from a safe location to avoid social interaction.People like you are the reason I never go out unless it's at dawn or right before the store closes at night.Meanie

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Stop bullying the fren you commie tranny GUOMbom what a shitty id

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You're lying and you're a racist ! I know it you bourgeois scum ! You want all black and gay folx DEAD

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>no content
Unusually lazy shill.

you a racist too mon cher compatriote ?

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Problem burger man ? go be obese elsewhere

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No.I am serious.Autists do not lie and no I am not racist.I despise Communism though.

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Thank you fren

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Prove me that you ain't racist or I'll have to cancel you.

Ouais kesse tu vas faire ?
Ac ton vieux cuck de melenchon qui veut trahir la France en supprimant le nucléaire tu crois qu’on le voit pas venir
Et l’autre sous être ce petit blond libéral qu’a une honte acharnée d’être blanc et qui serait pas capable de dire qu’il aime les blancs si on mettait un pistolet sur la tempe de sa mère cet espèce d’imbecile qu’a jamais parler franchement avec amitié avec un noir ou un musulman et qui vient nous faire ensuite l’apologie de l’antiracisme

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I told you Autists do not lie.Are you stupid or just blinded by hate?

Still waiting for an appology for being so disrespectful and rude.

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Tu représentes tout ce qui va mal en France et dans le monde. Racisme. Classisme. Sexisme. Validisme. Et j'en passe. Le monde n'a plus besoin des gens de ton espèce, vil réactionnaire, attaché à ta carapace passéiste avec tes grands ongles sales. Tu es du mauvais côté de l'histoire bonhomme. On enseignera à tes fils à quel point tu as mis des bâtons dans les roues de la marche du progrès et comment, toi et ton espèce, avaient fait souffrir des gens pendant des décennies inutiles. On se reverra sur le champ de bataille, fasciste.

Prove that you're autist then. Protip : i'm autistic myself and queer, so I know an autist when I see one.

meanwhile me
the english man
>can grow a full luscious beard
>very handsome
no wonder your women used to throw themselves at our feet

You done this already peel an onion fucker!

Well yeah you're a rapist so ?

I sincerely doubt that.Autists do not behave the way you do.You are evil.

You cannot essentialize me like that. That's litteraly ultra violence. Guess I'll have to cancel you. I'm calling the CEO of twitter.

> nazi
According to leftoids literally 95% of Earth's population are "nazis" in some shape or form.

Well, yeah, that's the problem. So bend the knee or die, nazi scum.

looks like we have them outnumbered boi's

Who's giving the first schlap?

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You need to see a psychiatrist for your issues.I sincerely doubt they will be able to help you though.I do not know what Twitter is.

Still waiting on an appology.

I'm the one who deserve an apology you racist and classist scum. You almost killed me with such violence. Are you out of your mind ?

Negative.My Mother had me tested and I am very much sane.You on the other hand are attacking an Autist for simply asking a question and keep accusing me of being what I have declared I am not and Autists do not lie.Seek Psychiatric help for your issues after you appologize to me for being so rude.