This is Nancy Pelosi at age 18 in 1948.... that was 74 years ago

This is Nancy Pelosi at age 18 in 1948.... that was 74 years ago.
At what point should old people just be banned from politics?

Attached: 515f14fbecad043b16000005.jpg (600x652, 36.16K)

Men at 70, women at 0



Women age like milk

Attached: velvet-chann_0021.jpg (720x1080, 119.42K)

Very jewish.

Pelosi was 8 years old in 1948 you mongoloid. she's 82 born in 1940. still though your point stands but retarded fucking people keep voting in these absolute dinosaurs over and over again


You retarded?

Taking Trump-tier bait this badly.

cope harder bud as yes retards in California vote for pelosi

Imagine the positive impact she would have had by being forcibly bred every 9 months until she ran out of eggs.

>that was 74 years ago.

you fucking nigger

Attached: 1641949050697.jpg (930x558, 73.31K)


I am autistic and one of the patterns I pick up on is when others have autism.
I believe she has autism I can see it in her eyes so I examined other photos of her to be sure and her eyes indicate that she also has ASD.

Pelosi's been in Congress for 35 years
Term limits will get people out of there before they can fossilize

Sometimes I wish we could just clone them for sexual pleasure, they are just rotting away without being made available to the public.

She was born in 1940, making her 8 in 1948.


100% I thought I was the only one who saw it.

no one over 65 is worth voting for. sorry trump, you and biden are too fucking old.

Every time I think about tfwnogf I remember that in like 50 years they turn into goblin crypt keepers and that klls any feelings. Imagine having to put your mouth anywhere near that or be in close proximity to something that looks and smells like death.

a person reaches a peak in mental abilities of ~28, but there is little experience. Somewhere after 60, the toggle switch starts clicking. Every five years or so. From genius to super smart, then to just smart, then to average, then to moron. Memory, experience, developed intuition and the formed core of the personality, of course, allow this to be covered up, but in general ...

In general, the problem of old people did not exist to such an extent. The person grew old, lost energy, began to think about death, etc. But now the elderly from the elite, firstly, with the help of medicine, live up to 100 years. And secondly, with the help of drugs, they pump themselves up with energy and a thirst for action. This is the first such situation in the history of mankind. And look what happens.

No, OP was just wrong

I can also identify pedos by their smile but it takes a bit more effort and because they aren't all outed I can't claim to know 100% of the time.