Was it worth it?

Britain and France went into WW2 as global superpowers. America was a peer, not an overlord. The USSR was an isolated pariah state. Britain and France ruled over empires that stretched across the planet. Germany had no empire. They wanted some of their land back.
But this was too much for them. So Britain and France declared war.
After sacrificing millions of their own men, they emerged victorious and as pawns of America while their empires were cannibalized and given away to niggers and gooks. France has almost no international respect and the UK is a glorified 51st state.

Was it worth it stopping the Germans from re-occupying Danzig?
They didn't even manage to protect Polish independence, the whole point of the war.

Attached: Unrest and 1960s.png (850x550, 38.54K)

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it's GdaƄsk now.

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I think it was a bit more that Danzig. They had pretty much all of western Europe at one point, excluding the UK etc. It was one of the reasons the Germans fucked up, because they went crazy invading countries. The plan was to finance the military expansion by plundering other countries but I guess they didn't expect so much resistance for whatever reason

Attached: 1038px-World_War_II_in_Europe,_1942.svg.png (1038x976, 336.38K)

>They didn't even manage to protect Polish independence, the whole point of the war.

>I think it was a bit more that Danzig. They had pretty much all of western Europe at one point,
That was after France and the UK declared war on Germany.

The only winner in WWII was the United States. Some did OK; Russia lost 20 million but gained Eastern Europe. Japan, Italy and Germany did well, eventually, not in the war but because of it. Losing countries included Britain and France, bigly, and other states for various reasons such as Poland, Finland and various Balkan regions that may or may not have been actual states, then and now.


You are a retard. Germany didn't just want Danzig, but whole east. As colonial holdings, just as Britain and France had their overseas. Now imagine Germany gaining all the resources and manpower from east. France and even UK would get cucked by Germany instead then.

Yes yes, eurofags committed suicide and damned their entire continent to the annals of history and irrelevancy, this is known.

>Germany didn't just want Danzig, but whole east
No they didn't. They demanded only Danzig and a sliver of territory along a railway to connect Ost Prussia with Germany.
>Now imagine Germany gaining all the resources and manpower from east.
All the resources of a single city and some extraterritorial highway?

We're in a post-nation world, we have global rule since WW2. Nation states are intentionally made to fail so everyone can become mutt golem and serve the joos.

I don't think the French did a whole lot seeing as the nazis took over France for four years until 1944 and the French just did whatever the nazis wanted right up until the Normandy stuff

As an ethnic german, Hungary and Croatia are possibly my favourite nations that are not my own people. Not only did they ally with us in the wars and have a history of fascism but they managed to remain based up until today, moreso Hungary. Everyday I wish we had won ww2 and seen the noble peoples of Europe receiving their fair share of glory and dominance.

Poland got shoved West by the Soviets. How many formerly Polish towns have Belorussian/Russian names?
It was America that doomed the war effort. The Axis recruited tons of volunteers from across Europe.

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>the nazis took over France for four years until 1944
Okay, but this was after THEY declared war on Germany.

America's aims during the war were to destroy the empires of Britain, France, and the Netherlands. Most of the American establishment had ties and sympathies for the Soviets but really hated Britain. The only reasons why the US fought Germany was because of the alliance with the Soviets. Hell, on paper, they even had the same plans in Asia as Japan did, release all of Asia from European colonialism and create a new order centered around them.

>Was it worth it stopping the Germans from re-occupying Danzig?
If that's all they did, the Brits may have let it slide, but Hitler invaded half the country, including areas that were ethnically Polish for centuries.

Danzig was a pretense just like Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia was in the year prior. Hitler requested an inch and took a mile. Czech / Slovaks lost their entire state.

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Capitalism is cancer.


Was it worth it for Hitler?

FSB is trying to get Americans to not give an F about Ukraine. But just give Ukies a few weapons and they kick Soviet butt. Like Finland did in WWII. Soviets only know how crack skulls in their own territory. FSB sucks.

>America was a peer, not an overlord.
wut? You had a bigger manufacturing capacity and economy than France and the UK combined, New York had already overtaken London as centre of finance, nothing could stop you from becoming the world leading superpower regardless of WW2.

Declaring war on Germany doesn't make it ok for Germany to invade multiple other countries. It would be like if China declared war on the US and then the US invaded Canada. And some of the countries that declared war didn't do much of anything, like France

Again, you are a clueless retard. Read Mein Kampf. What Hitler envisioned. He whined about colonial empires of France and UK. And that Germany was cockblocked by sea to gain its own overseas holdings. So he though Germany should colonize the east instead, to be able to rival France and UK. Even cited Ostsiedlung and Drang nach Osten. Of course UK and France unstertood this and tried to prevent Germany from doing this unchecked.

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>the UK is a glorified 51st state
we only have language in common with those monarchists

>Hitler invaded half the country
It's unreasonable to expect Germany to invade only up until Danzig and leave the rest of Poland to launch artillery barrages into Germany.

You don't usually fit in here, but you fit in far less ITT than you usually do.

we don't have capitalism
such a thing would imply capital
fiat money isn't capital

>but Hitler invaded half the country,
Did you expect them to do a "special military operation" while at war with France, Britain, and Poland? Post-war accounts from German generals had them admitting that Germany would've been in serious trouble if France and Britain and had tried a serious offensive during the Polish invasion.
The Allies invaded Iran in WW2 for the same reason that Germany invaded Norway: temporarily securing a strategic area. It was the largest war in history. They weren't gong to take half-measures.
If you read Mein Kampf, you know that he talks about "German geopolitical development" in the East over centuries while spending most of his time attacking France.

>It would be like if China declared war on the US and then the US invaded Canada
If China was about to invade Canada and attack the USA through it, then it would be entirely reasonable. That is what the UK was planning on doing to Norway, except that they planned to attack Sweden just for trading with Germany.

I don't know how WWII would have ended if both the European and American capitalists would not have a very real threat to end up in Siberia.

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Doesn't matter fag.

Should have let Germany have it.

Okay, and all he asked for in real life was a single German city back.

The reason that there was a war was because the Allies demanded "Unconditional Surrender" followed by the Morgenthau plan. The Germans were very much willing to negotiate during both wars, but the harsh allied demands kept the war going.

As the Germans were fighting for their survival, anything they did, including temporarily anexing neighboring areas were justified.

During both WWI & WWII allied countries that wanted out, such as Russia in the first, and France in the second were able to quickly secure a peace.

>It's unreasonable to expect Germany to invade only up until Danzig and leave the rest of Poland to launch artillery barrages into Germany.
Not really. Just in the year before, Poland took parts of Czechoslovakia that had significant Polish population. There were some skirmishes, but they didn't need to drive their tanks to Prague and level their cities. A more recent example, when Putin took Crimea.

Hitler could have ordered a similar thing, but didn't, because he didn't want just those German areas, he wanted it all.

Attached: PolishAnnexationsAfter1938.png (1044x765, 21.98K)

You understand nothing about geopolitics lmao. Even more important than getting stronger yourself, is preventing others from getting stronger. Especially if that someone is a fascist nation in your immediate neighborhood. That's like letting a random nigger slaughter and rape your neighbors go unchecked.

It wasn't Germany that started the war. The first acts of war were committed by Poland under French/British pressure. This is admitted to, but ignored.

Mutts propably also believed WWI happened because of Serbia.


Czechoslovakia was in no position to oppose Polish annexations at the time and they knew it. The Poles were in no position in 1939 either, but they didn't know that. The Polish war plan had them holding out until a Franco-British offensive relieved them. They thought they could win. We of course know now that the Soviets would've fucked them no matter what, but such an Allied offensive when practically all of the German Army was in Poland would've been hard to deal with. Taking half-measures would've been retarded.

>There were some skirmishes, but they didn't need to drive their tanks to Prague and level their cities
That's because Czechoslovakia didn't mobilize its army and go to war. Poland did. They had already mobilized their army. An act which is tantamount to a declaration of war.