Why are republicans so cruel and heartless?

Why are republicans so cruel and heartless?

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Because they're the one the same as democrats. Same pedo donors, corrupt the same, and the same let's blame "others" for their own narcissism and profits.

You Democrats wanted them, YOU take them.
And we will continue to send you them until the law allows us to do mass deportations of all your pet illegals.

I hope he dumps thousands of them in Brooklyn and Martha's Vineyard.

Show real flag

It's shown.

It wouldn't have been a mess if he had just kept them in texas with the other tens of thousands of illegals!

Abbot showing some balls and doing the right thing. Probably easier to dump them in the Rio Grande or the Atlantic, though.

Mainstrream media literally referring to brown ppl simply existing as a 'mess' lol and nobody cares

Remember how many times Drumpf promised mass deportations and never delivered?

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Wow, migrants moving into your neighborhood is cruel and heartless? Not very progressive of you whitey. Why can't the wonderful people of Guatemala and El Salvador enjoy shopping at the local artisan organic whole foods vegan co-op or take a nice leisurely bike ride on their fixie to the anarchist independently owned feminist LGBTQ book store with you?

>the mess he's created
sounds a little racist.... i thought unskilled 3rd worlders were strength

Until an illegal or 5 is in every leftist home, he should not stop.

I love that the Governor of Texas is helping to increase the spread of migrants into the heartland so that they can spread.
He is literally allowing them to populate and help take over more cities to the white replacement.

And you retards are fucking cheering him on while he's doing it

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Doing the right thing would be completing the wall he promised. Oh well, guess we'll have to settle on shipping illegals deeper into the mainland.

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>illegals were locked in cages
>actually they were let go
so which is it faggot? rope yourself tranny

Msnbc niggers get the rope first

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Every NIMBY liberal with a BLM or "diversity is our strength love wins" sign on their front lawn should personally take in at least 3 migrant families to earn their anti racist credentials

Our country takes them. They'll be free to move around. The Texas Governor is assisting illegal immigrants and calling it a win. Brain dead faggot sheep like you cheer him on.

what are you talking about?

>Hes basking the mess he created
WOW incredibly racist dont these NYC chuds know that diversity is our strength

How about this wheelchair bound cuck send them back over the border with no apologies
>beclause indernationall laws
Fuck off with international law bullshit these people are breaking into our country and our laws are protect our people first.

only when you have the apparatus that can turn them into low-income labor slaves. fags like this used to love illegal immigration in the 90s and now theres too much wealth among naturalized hispanics and theyre chimping out about it like fucking niggers. in the 90s, dems were against illegal immigration while republicans supported it.

Then maybe you leftards should stop desperately forcing everyone to accept them.

Locking illegals in cages while processing them into the country isn't deporting, MIGAtard.

It's about hearts and minds.
Let them enjoy their "antiracist" and immigrant policies as much as they can, until they change their mind.
Every leftist book club, every congregation, should be inundated with immigrants of various sort, to cause as much damage and division as possible. So they can see what their policies do, on those that do not want them.

Didn’t take the news this morning well huh? Fags outed as child porn enthusiasts

>come to America to get away from criminal spics
>get sent to democommie city full of criminal spics and niggers
hahahahahahahahaha get rekt

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>so which is it faggot?
They were let go.

American Jewdicial system makes it so that only courts can issue deportation orders. That’s why the created immigration courts, but lawyers counsel clients to seek asylum and say they risk bodily harm if they are returned, so courts have to verify this information, which creates a backlog, cause each order can be appealed. So its faster for Abbott to just send them to other states

Doing the right thing would be fielding the National Guard with orders to shoot on sight every illegal invader breaking in to our country.
Sending spicloads of messes directly into the NE Democrat shithole cities is merely mildly clownish as it's playing right in to the hands of the nation-wrecking jewish globalists.