Woman hits 30

>woman hits 30
>now wants be married and have kids
Why is this now the norm?

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She would have had a much easier time in her 20s as opposed to getting fat in her 30s

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I volunteer to spare the rest of you

I am proud to say that I don't know who this fat whore is


Unfathomably based, you club that baby seal leaf.

quit bragging

>easy mode has ended

I volunteer! Send her to Germany immediately!

Their innate desires and natural compulsions take over the degeneracy conditioning. It’s a good thing really. It proves that all of this manipulation won’t change the course of human destiny.

Remember when she was caught in the worst part of LA trying to buy drugs?

>starts getting fat
>men stop paying so much attention to her
every fucking time

why would you marry in your 20s when you can get fucked by 20 chads?

She's so sick of that same old love. Her body's had enough.

Eww BBC, gross!

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except that women who wait until 30+ to have kids are much more likely to spawn cripples and other retards

Oh jesus. That puffy face with the swollen cheeks is a signature of long-standing bulimia.

It’s true but it’s better than never.
Over 35 is actually considered a geriatric pregnancy.

nature is inescapable
after 5 men, women cannot fall in love and their divorce rate is over 70%

You’d think she’d have enough money to have a personal assistant buy for her.

because people are sold a lie from the day they are shat out into the west. Right now they're trying to push marriage and kids to the age of their last rotten egg with all the subtlety of a dump truck reversing onto an F1 track

>>woman hits 30 AND gets fat
>>now wants be married and have kids

Doesn't look White, so not my problem

I think I remember hearing she has some disease. Lupus or some shit like that.

Oh the things I'd do to 30yrs old thicc Selena..

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Most people, especially women, have a biological drive to have children. They're putting it off for as long as they can to have fun, but when a woman hits her 30s it becomes a math equation for how long she even has left to have kids before her eggs expire. They don't just have to worry about infertility caused by age, but even if they are able to get pregnant when they're older the chance of birth defects, like Down's syndrome, increase dramatically. This means that if a woman does have the drive to have a child and doesn't have one by 30 then she needs to make that her main priority or she may never actually have a healthy child in her life.

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unironically one of my favorite songs from her.

She wants to trick a man into paying alimony.


Those goblin genes are going to start activating

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The last name didn’t aid in your scientific deduction, retard?

Well you see user when a girl hits 30 she realizes she already found herself after 10 years of strange penises and now wants to settle down with a Nice Guy (TM).

So she’s Spanish with one of those annoying tucked Asian pussies. Wtf phenotype is this

Yeah but then she wouldn’t have money and makeup and sheeeiiiit.

she hit the wall harder than anne heche

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Apparently makes her lymph nodes swell from time to time when it flares up.
I wonder if it affects fertility.

very nice

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Lol. Gonna be a grandma when your kids are going off to college.

>implying she hasn't earned more than enough money already

Dude, that woman wouldn't ever need to work for a single second in her life again.

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Women in their 20s have the same access to superior cock that NBA players have to pussy. You think they are going to give up fucking men who are stronger, smarter, more sexually attractive, and of much higher status than you in order to settle down and have your dysgenic babies? Women are only into getting married to a beta male once their sexual value is nearly exhausted, and even then they don’t love the idea. Understand that marriage has always been a contract. Women give up sexual satisfaction in exchange for protection and provision from a mediocre man. Now the government provides protection and provision (and free birth control), so marriage no longer makes a whole lot of sense from their perspective. In fact they are not only happy that they no longer have to engage in the marriage contract to survive, but they now wish to seek revenge on all beta males that forced them to give up their sexuality and breeding potential to survive in the past. If you are an average man, women hate you. It’s biological instinct. They did a study once where they asked elderly couples who they considered their best friend. Most of the men of your grandfathers’ generation answered that their wife was their best friend. Their wives all answered that is was some slag from their book club. Married love for the beta male has always been an illusion that women have maintained for them out of economic and survival necessity. They no longer do that.

I don't even get bulimia, just don't eat.

>Why is this now the norm?
her "wants" haven't changed at all, the only thing that changed is what she actually can have.
and an endless amount of chad dick is no longer on the menu, so her desire #1 is out of reach. might as well lock down some poor loser so she has a victim to torment whenever she feels like it.

On top of all of that, their miscarriage rate rises with age as well. By the time a woman is 40 it is very unlikely she will get pregnant, and if she does, it's roughly a coin flip chance as to whether she will miscarry, and if she doesn't miscarry she still has more than twice the normal odds of ending up with her child having Down's syndrome.

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Having children later makes low quality children.
I've seen this over and over.

>might as well lock down some poor loser but still keep her profile open for the occassional Chad that might still hit her up

I wanna agree with you, but I'm just not sure if I know that the fuck you're saying

That explains it, then. Damn, according to google, she lost a fucking kidney due to autoimmune disease.

Salivary glands in about the same places on the face tend to swell up when bulimics purge, and it's really obvious.

A lot of people can't deal with that without drugs. I know that Jennette McCurdy has talked a bit about this, and how pill-popping anorexic actresses have a stick up their ass compared to bulimic actresses who tend to not take as many drugs.

because the span between 20-30 is only 10 years, but the span between 30 and your death is probably 50+

marriage isn't valid if the woman is not a virgin

She's actually had a kidney transplant.
And yes she's been fed miles and miles and miles of BBC. If she gets pregnant she will prob die of complications because she's an incredibly unhealthy spic with horrible genetics. Yes her face was cute from the age of 12 till about 18, after that forget about it. But that's about the fuckable, breedable lifespan of the average female anyway..

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