Iq test

whats better,

freedom and liberty for all
joy and prosperity for all

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It has to be freedom and liberty. It's up to me to make the rest happen.

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what if joy and prosperity for all, can only be achieved with colective action.

so once you become free and liberated from what ever people your involved with, you have to re enter a social contract. and so freedom and liberty are just ilusions and not the correct words to illustrate your wants.

ie pedophiles would argue they just want to be freed and liberated from your rules

I don't care about joy and prosperity for all. Only for those that earn it.

words have no meaning

No prosperity or joy can exist without freedom

Guessing this wasn't the answer you were hoping for
You disgust me

joy and properity for all, but the thing is, there is no one size fits all (as globalists in their ivory tower ignorance are convinced there is), so this is not achievable without liberty and freedom.

well it depends what you mean by words, and what meaning means

Joy and prosperity can only be achieved with Freedom and Liberty for all.

you'll get neither and it doesn't matter what you think about it.

Oh, suck my dick
I'll shoot you and everyone you're with before I submit to your mindless nonsense

How's that for a compromise?
The collective action of you all being buried at once
That prosperity to you?

It's time to accept the west despises you. Otherwise you're going to get killed. We aren't playing pretend and psychopaths like yourself will be dealt with more harshly than you can possibly imagine

Don't complain. No one cares if you suffer. You disgust me.

>Guessing this wasn't the answer you were hoping for
>You disgust me
your projecting like a faggot

would you say its a good idea to completly destroy all governments starting with america and just let the world go?

or do we need america?

if so you are bound to the government and not free or liberated at all

Your happiness and freedom don’t matter. Only God’s law matters.

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>your projecting like a faggot
I'm projecting but then you immediately tell me why you wanted the other answer

Bitch you're a clown
Go back to plebbit.

>we need america?
you aren't in this country
You need a nuke or something?

the truth is that jews are right about goyim

The Jews couldn't find water if they fell out of a fucking boat
Until you understand that, you're literally helpless

>for all
I reject your premise, everyone cannot be free, everyone cannot experience joy. The freedom and joy of some is oftener mutually exclusive with the freedom and joy of others.

If someone asks you to trade freedom and liberty for prosterity and joy they are looking to gain power over you.

your still projecting like a faggot, i didnt say i wanted the other answer.

i was asking for you to explain your position, you either want to get rid of america and be freed and liberated from it or you dont.

>joy and prosperity for all
Smells like communism. Everyone can be at the same joy and prosperity level, it's just that that level can't be raised above 0.

can't have freedom and liberty because pedos like you will start raping and murdering children. fantastic take
ah, brainlet pedo even. not sure why I'm (you)ing this, neither of you can discern meaning from squiggles anyways

Humans want to bring eden back

what im actualy driving at is no one is free and liberated

it is an illusion and it would me more inteligent to actualy speak the truth about the position people take.

This Matilda waltzing child raper doesn’t get it.

Why ask? A government that doesn't aim to provide a good amount of all those things (to nationals, not invaders) is an abomination and must be destroyed.

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Trick question. There is no joy without freedom, no prosperity without liberty.

Your suffering brings me joy

best answer yet, but still not nuanced enough

best of all is shitcanning imbecilic false dichotomies

I'm not projecting and I literally proved that too you

I don't care what you want. Infact I actively want to see you not get what you want
We are not friends or allies or anything but enemies kike

How do you not understand this by now?

>words have no meaning
>asserted with words

You're pointless sophistry will not save you
You will be killed if you keep pushing for anti white politics.

I will never eat the bugs, Klaus

if you want freedom i can free you from your mortal body

Freedom and liberty are abstract concepts, joy and prosperity however are more or less palpable

>anti white politics.
so not free from your whitness

like i said the words are not specific enough,

That's what Im saying to you

Remember, I can fight and you can't
You're the one obsessed with retard psuedo power dynamics
How's that dynamic for you? I can fight and you can't.

>joy and prosperity for all
Simply not possible

>freedom and liberty for all
Will achieve joy and prosperity for the largest number of people