Movies that are secretly anti-white

>Be me
>Rewatch pic related last night because boredom
>Notice how the mom says that California is full of blonde blue eye people; main protagonist is an ethnic-looking boy
>Main enemy is a blonde chad and his light haired mentor
>Protagonist requires help from a gook to win the tournament; also steals chad’s blonde girlfriend
Never notice that even movies back then were filled with subliminal kike messages

Attached: 1984.jpg (600x403, 48.12K)

Everything that Murrica produces after 90' is anti white in some way or form

Johnny was the good guy though.

i would also like to point out the second movie is essentially a metaphor for race-mixing, as the wop falls in love with a nip. And the main enemy is a jap teen that wants his people to remain pure.

Correct, johnny did nothing wrong

Most of the films about nerdy and wimpy kids are jew propaganda.

Cobra kai is pro white as is karate kid 2

This. There is an entire explanation on jewtube

Karate Kid was made/released in the 80s.

>movies that are secretly anti-white
Everything made by those people

Attached: Jewish brainwashing operation.jpg (800x500, 112.17K)

Yeah and Karate Kid himself is a non white mutt aka a classic American.

John Kreese was played by a kike.

anything hollywood has produced since the jews took over with their "german expressionism" has been anti-aryan.
it's just that it was subtle and coated in symbolism first and now their chutzpah forces them to take the mask off and taunt their eternal enemies by mocking them openly.

almost as if jews run hollwood...


That dude is old now wtf. Time is a bitch

He really didn't.

That was just a shy beginig. But the real deal started in the 90' when they did not need white cucks to be nationalistic to fight the russian socialists anymore

italian culture is infinetly better than american

If you think that's anti white Ip Man is gonna give you a stroke

The karate kid was great
The 80s were great
You're a fag
Have sex

It goes back longer. The self-hating guilt agenda is as old as the 60's at least.

any movie made after veit nam started will be full of "easter eggs"



Yeah but at least daniel was white. Not like wil smith's son doing kung fu calling it karate so china commies will hand him wads of cash

They'd have rather cast a nigger in the role as the Karate Kid but jews were still in that slow boil process where the idea of groid beating up a pure Nordic looking kid and taking his equally Nordic looking girl would've been too disgusting for audiences. Even a swarthy terrone like Ralph Macchio would've been too White for such a role today

Jews always make the strong, smart, handsome, affluent/wealthy, well-educated, and/or athletic White guy (a model Aryan ideal to strive to) the enemy in their Hollywood garbage.
They make the heroic protagonist some weak, dysgenic, poor, average-to-nerdy-looking, absolute mutt.
They're desperately trying to make the Average Joe sympathetic to the Jew being similar and facing similar struggles to them, rather than embracing aspiring to improve to the Aryan ideal and instead being weak, soft-minded, and more Jew-like so that we're easier to manipulate, rob, subvert, control, conquer, etc.

This was everywhere in the 80s. We just didn’t yet have the awareness to pick up on it.

Watching ‘revenge of the nerds’… it’s all evil Aryan football jocks vs. Multicultural gay misfits. Like football teams were all white in the mid 80s?

The movies are just Jewish psychodramas playing out on screen. Its weird seeing how this has warped the entire culture. It’s created an entire class of hostile outsiders.

The toy with richard pryor was a blatant antiwhite racist movie