Why do Americans knowingly let corporations poison them?

Why do Americans knowingly let corporations poison them?

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>1 post by this ID

Ah the monsanto shill is back at it i see.
Remider: roundup became a problem only after the patent (and monsanto's monopoly) ended. For the 70 years prior no institution, public or private, found an issue with it.
Monsanto is lobbying to get the shit banned so that they can rebrand it and reclaim the monopoly. Part of the lobbying effort is trying to fool the public with lies.

Monsanto doesnt even exist anymore, retard. It was bought out by German company Bayer

It’s not.

Glyphosate not a carcinogen, EU panel affirms

Fundamental is reading.

get off my lawn

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lying about it won't help retard, nobody gives a shit what the rabbi panel has to say

This thread reminds me that I need to spray weeds today.
>get farmer grade glyphosate from neighbor
>spray 2-3 times a year
>weedeater hangs in garage unused, fuck that thing.


boomers loves sacrificing health for small monetary gain

right up until your farm gets sued by their legal team for pollinating monsanto engineered corn, and now have to pay damages.
it's a very real entity you absolute fool.

Of its found 8n 80% of urine samples and also causes cancer then wouldn't just about everyone have cancer at this point?

And not just Americans, but everywhere our agricultural products are exported to as well?

Oh no! They would live forever if only they allowed their yards to be overgrown with weeds.

Why do amerishits poison nature? Get fucked

It changes everything! Lmao fuck off. Who do you think youre fooling? You are reddit tier, shilly boy. You won't make any progress here, you are too far beneat us.

Roundup is a pretty safe at chemical. There’s lots that are way worse that EVERYONE uses. If you live near a crop field, they’re in your water.

Source: spray crops professionally.

you need to lurk for 2 years new fags. the initial post by some one will always be 1 post by this id. the website doesnt track across multiple threads or lifetime of ip its every thread.

>1 post by this ID

The problem is that a small group of people control all the information that 95% of the population has access to. Many people arent even aware round up is a problem. Many that are aware dont think its that big of a deal. And many of the people who do think its a big deal dont have any recourse to fight back. Voting isnt going to do anything, and a billion signatures on some petition is way less convincing than a billion dollars from Monsanto. This situation, and all the other situations plaguing western civilization, will continue to get worse until every single citizen is unable to ignore the impact of them on their daily lives. Then there will be a revolt. It’s literally the only way this will ever get better. Cancer rates will skyrocket, many people will get sick and die, and the remnants of the human race that make it to the other side of this dark period of history we find ourselves in now will be mere shadows of a formerly great species. Ridden with diseases, sapped of the strength we once had, and with the information and knowledge we used to build our civilization poisoned beyond recognition by propaganda and lies, we will attempt to rebuild atop this once great civilization. When we do we will not do so standing on this former civilizations shoulders, but drowning in its sewage. The only hope we have is that the next time around we remember who did this to us.

because republicucks fell for the capitalism jew. same reason 75% of americans are disgusting fat fucks

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