Karaboga thread

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Basically confirms that spanshits are not white

Good thread

turkyiv is white

turkey is so cucked no sane country would have 10 million rapefugees syrians need to be exterminated

Based Turks

>kara bog-ACK!

Attached: 5877441643954571745.webm (226x400, 1.04M)

No more brother wars.

When I was in Tokat the locals told me there was an entire Syrian neighborhood and Turks would get stabbed if they entered there. Also I saw a lot of Somalis. IT'S OVER MEHMET, BITTI

thats what i said

So can a cracker go to Turkey?

kek weak turkroaches

Unless Zafer Party is elected and enters the assembly, it seems like that.

Whole "opposition" is globalist faggots that don't mention kicking those out.

Why dont they go after actual Syrians?

Qrd on the Zafer Party and their platform?



lmao his last name is Hurtado

Nothing anyone with a modicum of historical literacy didn't know.

based lel

Thanks, fren! When are the next elections?

Nvm they said 2023 in the vid