People compare two videos of Biden in one day showing his bulging eyes from drugs

>people compare two videos of Biden in one day showing his bulging eyes from drugs
>now he's wearing sunglasses at a podium(unprofessional) IN THE SHADE

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Those are literally his trademark shades.

But yeah, he's old, so he's on medicine. What do you expect, the guy to be an immortal vampire???

I could see him keeping the shades on when talking to reporters when he's walking to his helicopter or whatever, but while he's standing at a podium? IN THE SHADE?!?!?!?

This is elder abuse. It should be illegal for men over 60 to hold public office.

So you got filtered, Trumpfie, and you decided to post on your hugbox about it. Well Biden doesn’t care he’s just going to #GoBackToWorkingForTheAmerifanPeople. Chuddy

>noooooo biden is being so heckin unprofessional wearing sunglasses, trump would never be unprofessional

>bro he wore sunglasses REEEEEEEEEEEE
Okay, now THIS is BDS (Biden Derangement Syndrome)

I mean to be fair, he wears those a lot, it's kind of his thing.

And that still isn't the White House.

>What do you expect
80 year olds to not hold high office

It's a hallmark of a soviet state tho, to be fair.

>trademark shades
This isn't a comic book.
>he's old
We fucking know and we're sick of being run by people who are so weak they need sunglasses in the shade.

Biden sniffs powdered baby hair.

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He is on 20 different premium meds to stay walking

Based Chinese Spy

He's a self conscious little bitch

With those meds his heart might explode. He can't even has sex. This is why Jill seems so stressed out.

He just had covid, cut him some slack.

How long before the White House goes full Weekend at Bernies?

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They couldn't handle being called out so now he wears glasses so it looks "natural". The more they release the more it seems fraudulent.

How about moderately competent. Is that so much to ask?

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