Russia in the EU

So what if there was no Ukrainian Crisis and Russia joined the EU, how would it look like?

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It would look just like your picture user.. How's the sunstroke going?

Very lopsided. Their population and area would give them way too much influence in the union compared to their Brazil-size economy.

And since they're a more perfidious and plotting type than Brits, they'd either try to take over the union or sabotage it.

EU is a USA tool to enslave Europe and allienate it from Russia. So America would never let Russia join the union. The mere purpose of the Ukrainian mess was to allienate Europe even more from Russia.

It's good they decided to destroy their brothers' country before anything like that could move forward, it has opened everyone's eyes about what kind of country Russia is always going to be.

Some countries would have always blocked their membership but after the war, energy crisis and weekly threats with nuclear weapons they have ruined their reputation in Europe for generations.

a hiv hellhole

Also the massive entrenched corruption would make the whole system in Russia unreformable. You can't change that mentality of serf and make them run society on a rule of law order. It's all just Jewish fiefdoms and FSB structures.

Not just alienate the EU but to seemingly destroy the EU as well. The USA was already seemingly destroying itself with immigrants, they then transferred that type of policy to Western European countries to muttify them as well. The USA doesn't want to be the only sinking ship it would seem.

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You have alienated yourselves. If anything, Europe has been too naive and understanding for you.

And what was their reputation before?

Russia is not a European country.

Once you have millions of Africans inside your country, maybe then you'll understand what we tried to warn you about.

Russia joining the EU was very much a possibility in the mid to late 2000s even after the Georgia War. There were a lot of European-Russian cooperation projects and United Russia and CDU/CSU were indistinguishable in the 2000s.
Russia in the EU probably means it'd have kept its mentality of the 2000s where it was purely an economic union and shit like forcing refugees and gay marriage on the member states wasn't a thing. Probably more boring Brussels bureaucracy, but with Moscow bullshit added and a lot less of the modern globohomo.

It was healing and normalizing. People thought the train to St. Petersburg was a good thing and I think there even was a system for e-visas into Leningrad region.

Now the people are demanding that the border with Russia will be closed entirely.

>Europe has been too naive and understanding
Sure, by openly supporting terrorists (Chechen separatists) and extremists (pussy riot) inside our society. You've been supporting and funding all destructive elements in our country since like forever. Because your wet dream is to balkanize and rob our country, lol.

This would eventually turn into the most powerful country on Earth
The eternal Anglo (UK, US) would never allow this to happen

The US and others would have never allowed it because it needs perpetual enemies.

>Now the people are demanding that the border with Russia will be closed entirely
I support this idea too. And ban all western (modern) books, media, tv shows, music, newspapers, "art" in Russia.

Ukraine is merely a symptome of the problems that divide us. You got to tell the mutts and kikes to fuck off if you really want to go this way.

I didn't dream about balkanizing Russia before, but after the war I have been thinking a lot how Russia wants to balkanize the EU and Europe and keep it weak and fractured. I think it makes sense for me to wish the same thing for you.

lol Russian always talk like if their country wasn't full of Muslims and Mongols

>mentality of serf
Kek at this coming from a turdish slave whose people are currently engaged in toilet cleaning, ass washing and prostitution in France, Italy and Spain.

I say:

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Fuck Russia joining the EU, the EU should be dissolved

Its beautiful

The whole point of both NATO, Bretton Woods, the ECSC, and the EU is too keep Russia and the rest of Europe split from each other, it is why they were created by the USA in the first place

Russia is too uncivilised, corruptef and mismanaged to join the 1st world club of European Union. Not to mention it's mainly Asian country anyway. Now that they have managed to cuck themselves as Chinese energy reservate they likely are happy.

Russia has never cared at all about the immigration situation in Europe. You have already ignoring how refugees were driving and abandoning their cars to Norwegian and Finnish borders and how Luka was pushing Arabs into Poland.

europe, from lisbon to vladibostok

>their country wasn't full of Muslims and Mongols
We have ethnic Russian regions, Muslim regions and mongoloid regions. 99% of ethnic Russian regions are ethnically and culturally homogeneous and most of regions with mixed population are historically non-Russian such as Tatarstan and Adyghe. While Paris is 50% non-french and London is 70% non-british, Moscow is only 10% non-Russian. There's not a single ethnic Russian region in Russia with Russians forming less than 80% of the population, they're mostly 95-99% Russian. Also, the majority of our immigrants are Ukrainians who are culturally and ethnically the same as us Russians. Now cope.

you're right things change obviously and one of them is EU bought Russian resources in recent years

Around 60 million Russian would have flooded Europe on day one.

>Russia joined the EU
Never going to happen because that will mean ratifying the EU anti-corruption laws and Jewtin stated multiple times he'd never do it.

Wouldn't happen. The EU want Russia as a colony for cheap resources and nothing more.

They would never agree to pay for our social needs, border security, and infrastructure development. And they never faced such challenges on a Russian scale - Europe is puny in comparison, and yet they haven't even finished at home.

So they would treat us as they treat Ukraine: that is their jewish oligarchs would buy our lands and riches dirt cheap, our jews would be promoted to become overseers, they would promise promise promise and promise once more to integrate/associate/develop agreement to agreee on association to the committee of integration etc. Meanwhile they would promote one demand after another (oe ELSE they won't agree to agree to discuss...): Stop persecuting LGBTQWERTY! Apologize for being white! Ban your own language! Ban your own culture! Stop reproducing! Groom your children! Become faggots! Dismantle your defence infrastructure! Disband army! Destroy factories! Fire scientists! etc etc.

The so called "civilized world" is nothing civilized. They are rich not because they are superior, but because they have colonies that live in poverty while providing dirt cheap resources. Lets see how they do without.

It would be 5 mln at best, Chechnya and Dagestan.

Russia will be dragged into EU by force if needed. Russians will get asphalt roads in their towns and infrastructure built by EU funds, Russians will enjoy rule of law and acces to common market, not mater how much they struggle.

Russians are not even real ethnicity. Russia is simply meaningles empty social construction like "white" in America.

>rule of law

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not an EU member.

>what if x then y how about z?
it would be like the day when I fucked your fat ass mom right in her smelly pooper, faggot.

imagine when Romania joined the EU but worse, the political corruption would also grow tenfold.

>, how would it look like?

Too good to be true.
That's why (they) made sure it never happens.

>Now the people are demanding that the border with Russia will be closed entirely.

Are these people in the same room with you now? The borders are open, who wanted and who wants to still go. I don't know if you're media-washed or something, but nothing has changed in our country at all.

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It's dumb westerners like you who don't have different words for Slavic Russian (Russki) and Russian Federation citizen (rossiyanin). Russians are an East Slavic ethnicity. You may just as well say Estonians or Ukrainians aren't real ethnicities lol.

в жoпy швaбpoй paз или вилкoй в твoй eбливый глaз, пидopacинкa? cкoлькo пoлyчaeшь зa пocидeлки тyт? или ты зaдapмa кaк типичный pyзкий лoшapик? a ты из мocквaбaдa или нищeбpoдик-зaмкaдыш? oтвeчaй нa вoпpoc пo пopядкy, cлaдeнький.

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They would delegate the largest amount of European Parliament members - MEP number is based on country's population. Those would find allies among liberals and socialists and shill for globalist integration. They would initiate voting over liberalization of immigration laws and refugee status to flood Europe with even more niggers, ragheads and their own churkas. Since Russian citizens would instantly become EU citizens and allowed to move their asses anywhere without passport or visa, they would place their spies anywhere they want. Then Russia just casually takes over European Parliament, voila - USSR 2.0 is founded. Thankfully, EU requires rooting corruption to acceptable levels before integration so not gonna happen.

whose force lol.

Ukraine was the last actual military force in Europe. The rest of you are a bunch of faggots and your only weapons are dilators.

Russia would uncounter no further resistance all the way to spain if we felt like it because you don't have any military whatsoever/

Пoкaжи флaг либepaшкa.

B гpyзии пpячeшьcя?

Хyя либepaльнaя гнидa вoзгopeлacь, лoл. Ha cocaч, дыpявый.
Also,we speak English here, you pidoras.

дa нe пизди пидopacик. я тeбя caм зacтpeлю ибo нaм тyт paзpeшeнo opyжиe имeть. хyли нe нaпaдaeтe тo нa нac в гeйpoпкe? cилeнoк нeт, cyчeнышкa? в хoхлocтaнe зacтpяли или чe?

>Ukraine was the last actual military force in Europe.
keep lying to yourself. While many european armies are neglected, to call ukraine last actual military is bullshit. You either join EU as equal member or become chinese vassal. And due to your population and army, you would be most influental member.