Vegans are Fucking Retarded

What penalty should be applied to people who want to be vegan?

Self harm is illegal in most countries.

Attached: vegan.png (1051x1275, 2.55M)

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Super healthy vegan diets do NOT turn you into ghouls from fall out.

Attached: super healthy vegans.png (2200x1352, 3.69M)

>What penalty should be applied to people who want to be vegan?

Allow them to continue being vegan. They'll wither away and die on their own without any additional help.

Attached: 3aca7bcbc677cb2706db472449295f3d-imagejpeg.jpg (953x1200, 201.29K)

>healthy vegan diets
No such thing.
This. Let them fucking die in pain. More meat and dairy for me.

Can you just imagine being vegan......
Literally joining a starvation cult and slowly dying...

Humans will always find new ways to torture themselves. We are taught from the birth that being a victim and weak is good.

Damn that guy is pretty skinny. Have you heard of fruitarians?

Attached: 1659851336076704.png (917x871, 234.96K)

>muh freedumb of expsreshun n freeze peach

people crying about vegans are as bad as vegans crying about meat eaters

Found the vegan.

Attached: 1575461878104.jpg (1135x714, 204.38K)

That's not even bad, I had visible ribs when I was 15 kg overweight. Imo his face looks malnourished but otherwise he looks healthy.

The worst shit is how they always try to imitate meat with their "dishes"

It's like their bodies demand meat.

vegans are the original trust science retards
they don't know how much energy their body needs to survive daily
they think starving themselves of nutrients and fats is enough to be healthy and sustainable
all this does is weaken your immune system and lets cancers develop

also don't confuse vegetarian to a vegan. Adolf Hitler and most poojeets are vegetarian.

Ribs? I have those and I don't have a diet.

The penalty is already self-imposed.

>Adolf Hitler and most poojeets are vegetarian.
Yeah? And both were literal weak retards. Pajeets are what you would call an NPC.

Just look at it. They look like souless simple creatures. There is no deeper thought behind those eyes.

Attached: pajeet.png (1392x450, 1000.68K)

(trips of truth: observed)
While it's annoying, this is the best sign that veganism is stupid. If they really didn't need meat, they wouldn't try to copy it so much. All these meat substitutes reek of cope.

>video says rice + chicken

no wonder Hitler called you subhuman lmao

That wasn't the point, you fucking retard. And I don't care what some twink vegan feminist manlet thought. Germans are mongrels and I mog the fuck out of majority of them.

>There is no deeper thought behind those eyes.

Attached: Srinivasa_Ramanujan_-_OPC_-_2_(cleaned).jpg (288x375, 44.95K)

Guys can we get back on topic?
Laughing at vegan starvelings?

Tip the king of Wakanda was a vegan, and he died (Naturally) age 42. When he dropped dead, they never mentioned again how he was vegan kek.

42 is the average expected lifespan of an African though, right?

Attached: 1573932896361.jpg (600x560, 94.53K)

There's all ready a penalty.

Attached: thought i had to fart.jpg (640x480, 71.86K)

Broccoli one is my favourite.

Kek. Holy fuck.

>eat fructose all day
so much for the claim that sugar makes you fat.