Redpill me on abbos

Are abbos even human? Why do people think that they are the same species as us? The dog was domesticated in a shorter time than they have been isolated, yet the dog is considered a subspecies.

Are abbos human?

Attached: 4BE64D93-34CC-4EAD-AE4A-71AA9ED8BEBB.jpg (438x291, 30K)

Would impregnate the daughters of

They are the missed link

Human, yes.
Homo sapiens, only partly

Attached: abos.png (906x194, 20.73K)

Literal sub-humans with the mental capacity of a white 5 year old human

>Are abbos human?
humanity is a spectrum, so on a scale from 0 (primitive hominid) to 100 (modern day functional adult hominid male) they probably rate around 1-5 out of total 100.

If this is the case, what causes them to be retarded? Are they just a little too erectus-like?

Degenerate but mostly harmless now that we've civilized them so they stop fucking and eating kids

Significantly smaller brain, up to 300 grams lighter than Caucasian or Asian in fact. Compare this with sub-saharan african brain (up to 150 grams lighter)

They're dumb as bricks. Incapable of independent civilization beyond that of the stone age.

Attached: 1659757562360768.jpg (554x554, 18.96K)

I guess not.
They're harmless, though. Every so often you see a mixed one and just try not to think about who's depraved enough to fuck one of these.

Not human but they are probably pretty cool if you can keep them away from flammable liquids.

>Redpill me on abbos
They forgot how to make fire.

Why is there no abbo man x white woman porn
Jews do something lol

thats me cobber

I fucked a halfcast chick that I worked at IGA with. No regrets, she was a 6/10 and looked pretty good dolled up.

E.T. Phone home!

I love how the normie collective concsiousness believes all people are the same but absolutely ignores whatever the fuck abbos are lmao

They sort of resemble Dravidians. I think they did a lot of sailing in the past, and could well have ended up in Australia.

No they aren't.
As a curiosity. It is believed that there was a pigmy group living in southern Australia before the arrival of the abbos, and they wiped them out.

They must have traveled by boats at sometime in the past. They have evolved and become stupid. Are marsupials easier to hunt (they don’t have a corpus callosum), so that retards could survive and pass on their genes. The result being an overall shift in gene frequencies as morons were not deleted from the gene pool. Fifty thousand years of this and the result is the Abo.

theyre cattle at best.

Some of them actually have blonde hair. OP's pic related

Abbos are closer relatives of whites than niggers. So make of that what you will.