It's open season on vax doctors

It's open season on vax doctors

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Why does Trump's vaccine do this?
Any movies for this feel besides Home Alone 2?

>trump makes vacccine that decimates the whiteoid population but leaves the rest of us untouched
he is kinda based in retrospect

It had literally nothing to do with the vaccine. This was road rage. Some redditor tied it to the vaccine as to make antivaxers seem crazy.

>Trump's vaccine
literally nobody calls it this.

I was told there wouldn't be side effects

So his words are fake?

why are Australians like this

also where is his shirt

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Kek this has been debunked. Nice try, Predditor. It's open season on you freaks. White Boy summer is coming.

who keeps reposting this thread every hour?

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Shirts were banned in Australia somewhere around 08 due to a tragedy

> White Boy summer is coming
Said some mexican. Lmao

So he tracked down his doctor on the middle of the road and didn't just book an appointment if he wanted to beat the shit out of him? fucking lmao you dumb faggots are so EZ to troll these days

>being anti WBS

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Australians like not wearing their shirt.

Learn more about the Jewish takeover of our institutions and media.

That fucking strut always gets me.

Yeah user listen to the audio.

Learn more about which medicin to take you goob

>a fucking boomerang

>race mixing

No one wears shirts in Australia

Oh my mistake. I can't believe that I had initially thought that I was going to hear the insane ramblings of a meth addict but since I actually bothered to unmute the video I now see that he very eloquently described the scenario.

>Some redditor tied it to the vaccine as to make antivaxers seem crazy.
The dude in the clip smashing the window is some Any Forums tier 80 IQ schizo who shouts about vaccines in the end, you dumb retard.

>weakest Australian


Are you suggesting that schizos that yell incoherently and smash peoples cars with a boomerang while being filmed plan their actions out in advance?

listen up you little puke there is nothing wrong with white men race mixing in fact we are doing them a favor HOWEVER sticking around and raising the little mutts is wrong and evil. the non whites will care for the children, treat them well and eventually the mutts will grow up and mix again until there are no more black bastards. cope.

Trump's vaccine and Trump's COVID lockdowns.

>Summer is almost over
>WBS came out last year
>It's coming!

>user has 50 abandoned black families

didn't even read
you're a degenerate who will burn in hell

>This was road rage.
he literally mentions the vax and his family member dying in the video

But it's true?

That's what the tweet is suggesting.

Why did he only break his window and yell at him, and then just walk away, if he was really upset about his son dying shouldn't he have dragged the dude out of his car and beat his ass?

He's just trying to ask the doc for a refund

Australian here
I literally didn't wear t shirts and shoes until they forced me to at school

kek it's literally the same image

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meth has decimated the lower classes of australia

Keep on seething nigger! Kek we're after the chocolate queens

probably some schizo

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Little rascals
This nigga done got 7 years of bad luck and don't even care. Gigachad?

its the heart attacks stuff real?

You're not white

Shame he didnt kill him, these doctors are all accomplices with big farma

no keep getting your boosters

Because he, like every other tough guy right-winger, is all talk and no action. Once they are finally in a position they always back down and act like pussies. Just look at January 6th for example. They were all talk about bringing weapons and taking everyone hostage, yet no one brought their infamous weapons after all.

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Race mixed children is a fetish taken too far. So, it's fucking degenerate for one Also, mulattos look inhumane like residents of Innsmouth. You are doing nobody a favor by bringing such ugly people into the world.

kek, things are going to get much worse as you leftcucks keep reducing people's living standards
This has already been known with the dutch farmers

just wait until the food and energy riots start
people are going to have nothing to lose and will go after you leftists who caused these problems

I am though, keep seething nigger shitskin. WBS forever, btw I'm going to buck break your mother later


Why do you right-wing retards always instantly assume that every single person who talks shit about you must be 1) from USA and 2) a left-winger? You people are so insane.

It wasn't about the vaccine, it was a road rage incident. This is why the man is just sitting on the side of the road waiting for the police to arrive and the red car is spun around the other way.

Kek, is what he said a copypasta on here? This is the first time I've seen it

It has something to with the vaccine because antivaxxers are so obsessed with vaccines it's all they think about so roid rage mate sperged out about the vaccine during a road rage incident

Wrong, a lot of people call it like it is.

I don't think it is, I made the meme just now

politics is a mental illness

>It wasn't about the vaccine
It may have just been a road rage the begin with, but the dude definitely is screaming about vaccines and how someone died from them.

>Why do you right-wing retards
The right wing is more intelligent than the left. Over time this genetic trend will continue.
>a left-winger?
lmao so someone who posts seethe crying about right wingers shouldn't be assumed to be left wing?

>you're insane
holy fuck lmao

Damn, that's kinda harsh. But the only half black half white kid I know is literally the most insufferable person I've ever met so.. eh

>j-just you wait, when things get REALLY bad then we'll rise up!
lmao literally 2 more weeks, keep dreaming buddy


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and we should care because he doesn't sound unhinged and on meth

did he seriously use a boomerang to smash the side mirrors

its a schizo. in 2015 he'd be screaming about how they gave his family jenkem

Agreed. The man is probably against the COVID vaccines but that isn't what the incident is about. I don't know how he knows the man in the car is a doctor either, maybe he has it on his car, or he's just high af.

Why are you still appealing to normalcy bias?

Australians are an incredibly primitive folk, extremely violent and unbelievably stupid. Annoyingly, they seem to believe they're incredibly popular and well-liked in the international community. Best to ignore them wherever possible, but tif you're forced to interact with them just treat them like special needs children.

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australia is a dangerous place

doc killed someone the bogan knows with his drug dealing antics (the "vaccine")

>The right wing is more intelligent than the left
This is objectively false. There's more left-leaning people in pretty much every single sector that requires education.

>>j-just you wait, when things get REALLY bad then we'll rise up!
fucking LMFAO

>lmao literally 2 more weeks, keep dreaming buddy
kek, you've literally seen nothing yet, people still have food right now
what exactly do you think happens when people can't afford to fucking eat(due to leftist policies)?

This has happened a million times in history and you magically think it won't happen again.
It's ALREADY happening in the netherlands and germany

hmm while you may seem correct I just have to posit one question: how did he consume the methamphetamine and why was it the same way that Pfizer vaccines are administered ie by injection needle

I'd say the exact same for leftists, right wingers don't even come close to doing this shit like you asshats. Stop projecting, freakshow.

All you do is think about Australians

The funniest part is that after his first boomerang breaks, he just whips out a second one.

holy fedpost batman

i live in germany and i have enough food
the state pays for my gas and water even and i got an appointment with a psychologist for free because of free state health care

keep seething mutto

>This is objectively false.
Leftists don't understand economics. Leftists don't understand biology.
It's safe to say they're all braindead.
Also there are genetic effects at play here. The IQs of more left wing people are dropping, but the IQs of right wingers are increasing.

>requires education.
lmao state propped up schools aren't "education"
half of what is taught there is actual pseudoscience like gender studies bullshit

He doesn't know the guy is a doctor, some twitter retard dubbed over the original video claiming that

Television & Film?

the vaccines were the biggest con job in world history.

>(due to leftist policies)
You are clearly not aware that it's right-wingers who constantly block bills that would make the lives of everyone better. Are you actually 16 or something?

>the gestures match the text

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wow compelling argument Any Forumstard

How can they be dangerous roided up meth heads if they are holding cats?

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>right wingers don't even come close to doing this shit like you asshats
Yes they do. Every single time someone says anything critical of what right-wingers believe, they will instantly go from 0 to 100 and fly into some extreme rage about how "libtards" are destroying their country.

>i live in germany and i have enough food
yeah, for now
this winter, germans are going to fucking freeze, you have almost no energy sources to heat your homes

>the state pays for my gas and water even and i got an appointment with a psychologist for free because of free state health care
Leftists are truly gullible bootlicking retards.

lmao enjoy being an ice cube kraut

he got vegemite on it

Not him but all you'd do with more rights is take them for granted within 2 years
I fucking hate first worlders

>magatards denying reality once again
You guys are almost worse than the trannies

Calum is unvaxxed, absolute unit

>bills that would make the lives of everyone better.
holy fuck there are people retarded enough to believe this

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>You are clearly not aware that it's right-wingers who constantly block bills that would make the lives of everyone better.
Left wingers pass bills that destroy economic production. They make people work harder for less pay. They're currently passing bills that will destroy food and energy production.
>Are you actually 16 or something?
Are you 14? You sound like a socialist teenager.

its hot in australia. no shirts allowed.

cope seethe and dilate in that order mutto
and dont forget fries with that

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>cope seethe and dilate
kek you're going to either freeze this winter or be forced to pay 90% of your income just to stay warm


it should be open season on those who call themselves jews but are not
the likes of albert bourla and such

Neocons are vermin as well, that ain't news.

Enjoy waiting 3 months for a checkup, kraut faggot.

so wtf happened? anyone can qrd me? I know there are outliers that can get a bad reaction of the vaccine.

>finally breaks window
>doesn't know what to do
Kek. Its like when a dog catches a car and now he has to figure out what was the purpose

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a chicken in every pot and a rooster in every roost. we can mandate it, we have the technology. A cyborg Mokoto for your bed, and an empty gizzard to fill with That's What She Said

Unlike Germans who just get replaced kek

roided up meth head does a road rage

>Left wingers pass bills that destroy economic production. They make people work harder for less pay. They're currently passing bills that will destroy food and energy production.
Please go ahead and show me these bills.

I hate neocons just as much as I hate socialists.

>appointment with a psychologist
Oh boy. Go see a good Catholic priest instead.

more heresy

>Please go ahead and show me these bills.

along with the countless other energy/production destroying bills

"A chicken in every pot" rapidly turned into "five buckets of tenders please, yes all on one order" vs. "NOOOOOO YOU CANT EAT CHICKENS THEY HAVE FEELINGS REEEEEEE"

It's the original Church, you protestant doofus manchild.

what so he can tell me about the boys he rapes?
muttos mad
kiss and kneel before a black guy (your gods)

Leftism hinges on technocracy, and rightism hinges on meritocracy. There is intelligence on either side, it just manifests in different ways.

>euroshart gets btfo
>instantly starts talking about bbc

boomers dont understand how much people hate them

The government here in Aus only panders to boomers while fucking over the younger generations

>what so he can tell me about the boys he rapes?
Child rape being a Catholic thing is a slanderous meme. Look up the numbers and compare it to other institutions and you'll be shocked.
Now this is heartbreaking to hear.

Leftism hinges on gibs and rightism hinges on passing policies that make trans kids inevitable then complaining about it

What do these have to do with the left in America?

>make trans kids inevitable
What do you mean by this? Do you mean policies or ideology?

reminder gays reproduce by raping kids and trannies reproduce by mutilating kids

>muh alternative COVID treatment
>noo do not take the vax
reminder that none of your shitty alternative drugs have shown to be effective at treating covid. You'll all just end up in hospital like pic rel since you're pharmacologically illiterate dumbfucks

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mutty need to pay 5000$ if he breaks his legs lol
poor third world country
>slanderous meme

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Because they're passing similar laws. Because they're shutting down production as well.
This new "inflation reduction" bill has a lot of anti-energy bullshit in it that will decimate the industry even more and increase inflation.

Chickens don't have feelings. They would eat a human if given the chance. Look at these fucking sociopathic eyes.

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fucking finally

>poor third world country
Americans have more disposable income than even the richest euro shitholes.
Public school teachers are far more likely to molest kids than catholic priests.

he should have beaten him up tho
i believe in you anglos
youre healing

You can't push individualism and shallow consumerism without some people deciding they definitely really are a caricature of the opposite sex

There is so much funny shit going on in this video. I about died when I saw the boomerang and then when he bitchslapped clean through the window, golden.

The other people probably had some kind of pro-vaccine or "I'm a nurse" bumper sticker. If you tracked down the guy responsible for the death of your family, would it be to just break his car window? No, you'd fucking kill them.