This is my bubbele Barbara

Do you think she looks cute?

Attached: 482004.jpg (1450x1304, 305.38K)

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Idk I am just here because I hate gay people.

being gay is ok

Fuck you and that Spectre whore

no fuck you faggot. hail monkeypox. you're next


She looks like she's into piss. Human toilet stuff.



Looks like Brother Theodore

Attached: theococky.jpg (348x480, 19.89K)

Tell her I'm going to burn down her synagogue with her inside.

Fucking uppity Jewess with her smug Jewy ways.

wtf i love her now

She looks like the white mans future get in line for some apple pie.


I wouldn't kick her out of the gas chamber, if you know what I mean

I hate apple pie and what she made me do.

See im trying to convince I blew my brothers brain out.
Or they made me do it.
then I had to ask myself was it him or me.
as I looked into his eye's was it a switch over and I said blam is it you or me.
what happened after "words" I said quiet that's between you and me.
That was a long time ago how can you remember?
let me open the door to hell and then ask me bitch If in a million lifetime how can I forget. I tried but the hollow hole to hell sits beside me he was my formal shell.

she was likely hot once.

let me fix because I need to make it right.
I need help.
See im trying to convince myself i blew my twin brothers brain out because they made me do it.
or did i stand there and wait for the decision to be put into my hands?
Either way were walking out of here hand in hand and just because it wasnt this time I'll never ever be alone. because the mother fucker changed the rules and now, I play happy switch over and shut up when I can but God damned it to be honest. I wouldn't be to comfy in that chair. You might not be afraid but when he comes in here. He lightens up the room and God damned it he's been playing games and acting the fool and letting people touch him everywhere even privates. Done said he, wake the fuck up.
Andy teaches me capitol G.
Andy starts breaking all the rules.
what was up is now down

Come on all you fuck's look around who the fuck you thank you for opening the door.
It's been along time keeping him focused.

Gotta love the books, "Jewish Law".

she has psychopath eyes

you are gay but at least you're not trans.

Looks like im whispering.
Common man,

open up your soul.
Was it right or wrong?

To make the choice?
we both had hold of the gun, can you or why dont you want to remember?