Why do pharmacy stores like cvs, Walgreens , and Weiss all sell more goyslop than any other modern grocer?

Why do pharmacy stores like cvs, Walgreens , and Weiss all sell more goyslop than any other modern grocer?

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So this is the board now. Just everyone saying goyslop in every post for the next couple of weeks. Bravo to the Discord that invented that one.

It seriously pains me when the room temperature IQ people find some new idiotic and cringe word or phrase to mindlessly parrot en masse.
Nobody fucking needs these retarded goons.

you won't do shit

It came from /ck/

because they aren't equipped like grocery stores and for the most part only sell things with long shelf lives

I started saying goyslop irl and now I cant stop saying it

I think any word with goy in it going out to normies is a good thing

Now when I ask my mom for tendies I call them goyslop lol

What’s the problem with


The Kikes are selling poison to the nation. Do you eat this shit? Are you a Kike? Why are you upset?

Call it what it is.


Get on the Gundry diet you cuck

What's goyslop

Im a fan of apex pred diet

Like 2/3 of all Americans take prescription drugs. So they're at the pharmacy anyway. Why not get food while you're there and avoid a second trip?

Some goyslop to go with your goymeds all in one goystop

They are rare but there apparently are a few Walgreens at least that sell fruit.

Dont you have local farmers markets or is that something only white supreeemicists enjoy

American food full of GMO, seed oils, corn syrup and onions.

If you are not fully aware that Burgerking has been serving you mystery beef for decades you are in for a surprise.

Get fit, get healthy, start eating food you have grown or acquired locally and NEVER eat out.

Get chickens, so easy and saves you tons of money. Just eat eggs and avocado and grass fed meats and tons of cauliflower and spinach and mushrooms.

The war of our time is coming and you better get ready.

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Blue Laws meant most stores had to be closed on Sundays. Pharmacies were exempt, so they expanded their sortiment

goyslop is disgusting
also i finally learned how to make refried beans from scratch instead of always buying cans

I always buy goya brand because the ceo supported trump
