Matriarchal World Order

A part of me seriously believes that western society is going to evolve towards a matriarchal world order. Too many men are either bug boy cucks or all out troons while women are becoming either very aggressive and masculine or using their sexuality to exploit an army of simps.

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Keep stroking…and fantasizing…



That's not a fetish, you dumb cooming fuck.

My Wife is a cuckoldress and I wouldn't want it any other way.

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Any matriarchy would eventually be conquered by a stronger, more dominant patriarchy, as they have for all of human history.

still not getting the vax

Right, of course it isn't.

Matriarchies are primitive and small, that's why all the ones that weren't isolated like in the Amazon rain forest or African jungles were stomped out
World wide matriarchy would just mean collapse not order and it would lead to a power vacuum for despotism to come back and fill.
What most people call patriarchy takes thousands of years to build

Not for me at least, and if it is for you then you're part of the problem. Clown world going towards this direction is a possible reality. Women have more drive than men nowadays, and they're quickly filling up leadership positions in companies and politics. Our world will get more dysfunctional and insane as a result.

That's if any of them exist which is why I narrowed it to the west. Depending on how Asia reacts would be a factor but they're already on track to be a bunch of cucks as well.

I'm not talking about some Amazonian type tribal shit. I'm talking about men, overtime willfully giving up the infrastructure and reins of society to women which they've been continuously doing.

the only good female leaders are in fiction

Good. You shouldn't wear the mask either.

Nothing a willingness to put a bullet in a hole's face won't cure.

I don't know anything about this kike show.

Society always worship women
In the past, people want a male child because when war happen, they would draft one man in each household, need at least 1 man left to provide for the cunt(s).

Women have never been leaders in anything and never will be.

i never wore a single one ever

Why would that be a bad thing? Men get to stay at home and do nothing while women work and perform the rat race. I think we live in a matriarchy already and that what I just described would be a true patriarchy.

Actually we are very close to

>violent revolution

Which is inevitable and happens to every society where young males are pushed out of society and have nothing left to lose.

It happens to be young Aryan males that are mostly in this position.

It will be glorious. We are entering 1940s Germany level of awakening here in the USA in 2022.

It’s a good time to be an Aryan, I vaxx Ed, male.

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>hormone poisoning
>omg women are superior
just fix the root problem.

Use your brain
In any system run by women the men have nothing to do but literally murder each other.
They are incentivized to murder each other because that's the only way to get ahead for them
The majority will never cooperate like you would because of your fetish