Pagans coping hard LMAO

>"The Lord of the Rings is of course a fundamentally religious and Catholic work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision."
-JRR Tolkien

Oh Nononononono Paganbros.......

What the fuck are you doing Varg?

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Varg is an idiot.

Yes Tolkien was forced to be Catholic in an almost entirely Anglican country, makes perfect sense

PaganLARPs are showing once again their jealousy of not producing anything of value. They commonly resort to useless coping and appropriation to validate themselves.

I can guarantee you behind this memeflag there is some stupid low human South American .
I still don't understand why they worshipping religion that killed their fathers and raped thein mothers .

Scholastics is a mistake


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>Killed their fathers and raped their mothers
My ancestors, my great great grandfather, great grandfather, and grandfather were Christians who faithfully read their psalms and served their country.

What ancestors are you talking about? Ooga booga LARP ancestors? Do you even know their fucking names you retard? At the very least the noble houses of Europe has s list of their family bloodline members.

Please tell me how the Lord of the Rings has anything to do with Catholicism?
I’m going to need more than some Tolkien quote

You subversive kike why don't you post the real Masterpiece of a REAL European Michaelangelo?

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Literally watch Tolkien's 1960s interview. Also, his concept of Estel.


You're 90 IQ and wouldn't get it.

muh jew on a stick

That's some grad A cope, even by Varg's standards, lmao. I'm 99% sure Tolkien would beg to differ, and I say this as a fan of both Tolkain and Varg. Varg is a pretty funny guys sometimes.

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It's time to stop Coping LARPagan. Accept that Christianity is Europe

Don't you have a Jew to be worshiping?

pagans are faggots
just admit you're an atheist. you don't know anything about paganism and you don't practice it.
you don't want to be an atheist because you look around and see all the people who are "proudly atheist" and they disgust you, as they should. but they're your people. that's who you are. a disgusting faggot. but even worse since you larp. a disgusting faggot in denial.

>Literal Coping
What the fuck is wrong with Varg? Why does he cope this hard?

Even the Golden One and STJ aren't this fucking delusional.