Are anti semantic views becoming more mainstream

5 years ago it was social suicide to talk about the Jews in an negative light. Now I hear strangers telling anti semitic jokes and discussing Jewish mossad conspiracys about once a week.

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>Are anti semantic views becoming more mainstream
Absolutely they are and let me tell you why that's a good thing.

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Yup, i have plenty of normie libtard associates saying they hate Israel and Jews. Conservatives are also noticing hard. Its unironically over.

>Are anti semantic views becoming more mainstream
Thanks to jews greatly over-playing their hand, history is now possibly repeating...
>73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with "immigrants and people of color who share their political views", shocking new poll shows
>The survey also asked: "Do you personally believe that in the U.S. Jewish people are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Jewish people’s views?"
>12% of Trump voters replied "Yes"
>Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society

Obviously most people are not going to openly name the jew to some random pollster... so safe to say you can easily double or triple these numbers, at a minimum.

A quick and essential Weimar Germany history lesson:

I met an American girl (Chinese, but born in the USA). And she started telling me about how Jews were CEOs, etc. Thinking I did not know about it, since I was Portuguese.

Shame my friend fucked up with the other girl. I was getting a hard-on. She sounded like /pol, but cute.

BTW, if it is you, I have the number of your Indian friend. Pls send me a message Based Chink Medical Girl, that met me in Lisbon and was living in Texas.

I would like to empregnate you.

Holy shit
We're going to fucking win

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>it’s a big club and your hats aren’t tiny enough to be in it

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I would have lied on that survey too

You have to play dumb:

"Wow did you hear Michael Jackson was an antisemite, he called them leeches."

"The stab in the back myth was that Jews took over in the 1918 German Revolution."

"Antisemites are lying and saying Jews like Zuckerberg and Sergei Brin control the internet."

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Fuck the semantics, i‘m more of a syntax person anyway. Sieg Heil

The internet changed everything. Newspapers and cable news were practically dead but then suddenly obama legalizes propaganda and the MSM goes from begging for spare change to acting like they're hot shit. They openly tell you not to do your own research and that they are the only trusted name in news. It's like they aren't fucking human, they totally don't understand contrarianism. In 2014 if you had told me people would be waking up I'd call you a liar.

People are noticing. I redpoll as many people as I can irl.

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That was a good one. I agree.

that’s over 20% who will vote against the jews. it’s honestly not much less than what got the nazi party started. we’re just one good orator away from holocaust 2.0

Every youtube and Facebook comment section I see that has even a vague relation to the globohomo agenda is filled with anti semitic, anti fag, or anti diversity comments. It really restores my faith in humanity to see it. People aren't falling for the bullshit as much as TPTB would have you think. People are waking up and not taking it anymore. Expect a race war soon. Jews will own nothing and they will be hunted to extinction.

yes my local temple has nightly schvitz fests about it


Just as Allah wills it

Fuck Jews, fuck their parasitic nature. Your women are fat and stumpy. The men, too, are estrogen soaked and bald prematurely. Outside of your enclaves and nepotism, you're nothing. God's chosen? That's a joke, you're helpless without host nations to prey on; not because you're smarter, but because your very weak and wholly flawed on a genetic level.

some faggot bot is larping about their father recently dying in teh holocaust

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Bring up ethnic cleansing in Palestine with the wine diversity crowd and watch them stammer. Semitic privilege is the ability to colonize land while painting yourselves as victims the entire time.

>anti semantic

Woke diversity**