Women are protected from FGM when they are children. Men should be protected from MGM when they are children

Women are protected from FGM when they are children. Men should be protected from MGM when they are children.

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why do you like AIDS?

Many trannies are created inadvertently by botched penis surgeries. Notice all trannies almost have the most fucked up penis, not because it's shriveled up due to HRT, it's most likely that MGM caused this

I don't. Circumcised men get AIDS too!

Because fgm is infinitely worse than mgm. Men are responsible for both fgm and mgm. I agree mgm needs to go but this sub-attitude of "b-but women" needs to go.

And I say this sincerely as someone who wants mgm to go. I'm saying the strategy of comparing it to fgm is bonkers and turns people away from conversation.

watch out, the legion of golems with maimed cocks will come out in full force now to defend their jew masters
>MUH clean pee pee
>MUH girls like my chopped cock better (LMAO)
>MUH cheese CHEESE CHEESE (what is hygene)

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This is very antisemitic

It depends on the type of FGM. Some types actually don't even remove anything, they are just a ritual nick. just like there are different types of MGM, some remove not too much, others ccause painful erections.

Most fgm isn't a ritual nick. Most fgm is done in shitty African villages and it's scooping out a 5 year old's labia and clitoris with a cut soda can and then sewing it up.

We are gonna get abortion banned. We should get these Repubs to ban male circumcision next. If only Repubs weren't such Jew loving fools.

Being pro human rights does not make one anti Jewish. Circumcision is a violation of human and religious rights of Jewish boys. Circumcision is anti-Semitic.

hello rabbi.

I agree that it is bad and should be banned though.

evangelicals will NEVER go against circumcision, 90% of them are circumcised and questioning this good ol' American tradition is taboo. The "if it was good enough for my daddy it's good enough for me" mentality runs way too deep

I’m not for circumcision that’s why I am trying to regain my foreskin to get some nerve endings back, my parents didn’t ask for it tho the doctors just jewed me, my brother kept his because different doctor. It’s brutal but that’s life

>get some nerve endings back
The only way that's going to happen is if tissue engineering science advances to the point where it's possible to regenerate the nerve endings of the foreskin. At this point, that's unironically more likely than the prospect of genital mutilation getting banned in America. Our jew-loving culture is too married to this absolutely retarded practice. Lots of American parents are really adamant about having their kids mutilated. Remember that father who fought in court to get his son's penis pruned? Mutts would chimp out if you tried to take this form of child abuse away from them

I agree that child circumcision should be banned. I don't understand how people want to circumcise their baby boy. I hear both men and women say it should be fine but they don't understand the pain the boy goes through when he realizes he's cut because of the looks and a false sense of protection from hiv, which he'll force himself to believe that crap to cope.

Our only hope is to infiltrate the liberal propaganda. If they are able to believe cows and honeybees are unfairly exploited and starve themselves being vegans, then we can make them care about male babies. If Dems ban circumcision in California it may take off in the rest of the USA.

Nog gonna nog. We don't have to be like that.

Jewish feminist bitches who strive for equality should cut their clits off with scissors.