Serious answers only. Stay out of this thread, doomers. I mean it

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A lot.

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It's impossible to say, as most the deaths from the vax will show up as cancer, heart attacks, immune system issues, and blood clots years after the injections. If I were vaxxed, I'd be focused on getting my affairs in order and knocking things off my bucket list though. This shit is about to go apocalyptic by late fall.

I've already lost a couple family members. Another had a heart attack. Next week the whole boomer
family is flying to Canada to see Banff. All
overweight and freshly boosted up

it's more designed to weaken immune systems so I'd guess we'll see a larger than expected death in boomers. this coincides with economic collapse.

then the life expectancy will drastically decrease for everyone else, regardless of vaxx status. this is becuase of economic collapse.

>two more months!

If is true. I don't think we will know. Its another Chernobyl. People started dying in the second year. Everything was hush hush by all people in power. They only notice because back then they had a community relationship which we lack. Let's just hope the future generations find the truth.

40 % higher death rate means probly around 20-30 million people per year.

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We are talking about close to a billion people who have had their immune systems damaged and God Knows what else. Insurance companies keep very detailed records of mortality rates. We are already seeing huge spikes in mortality. Just subtract what the expected rate was from the actual rate. Over 5 years? Its going to be in the millions.

It also means a 40% reduced life expectancy, ~55 years old.

still not getting the vax

Same. The National Guard Army and Air units are so decimated they have "Now Hiring" signs all along the fencing perimeter. Says "Apply Inside no bullshit required"

Why would the globalist want to kill off their loyal base with these vaccines?

Intredasting tattoo there

Here in Aus they just said that open windows and doors have same impact as boosters. Why again were ppl fired over this and how are jabbies taking this info if the "experts" are saying ventilation and masks are basically equivalent?

Will vaxxies finally admit that the way the vax was sold to them was lie. Or even that the vax simply wasn't as effective as made out to be? How can they still honestly be all for the vax at this point

There will be no mass die off, the population reduction programme will happen but it will be drawn out and not occur in the time frame you are suggesting, give it at least several decades.

officially? none.
But the cancer, blood clots, heart disease, neurological issues and "unexplained deaths" are going to absolutely decimate the vaccinated population. My best estimate is probably 60%, maybe less, maybe more. It's hard to say. If we go by the animal studies.... well... civilization is fucked.

All of them.

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The mass die-off is ongoing.


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at < 40% desired mRNA sequence who knows?

2 years.
U.S. and UK almost wiped out.

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