Land has value because.. because I say so!

>Land has value because.. because I say so!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't value land but you have to give it to me

>No QoS

Because we want to live in it. Things we want have value. Now get some cocoa and go to bed.

>t. seething LTV Marxist

>the only place to physically exist
>right to extract resources
>with work, can allow off-grid on an individual scale
>autarky on a macro scale
>they ain't making any more
this is the most absolutely retarded post i have seen on this board, ever

>>No QoS

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Land with fertile soil is more valuable than land with barren soil.
Land you can build on is more valuable than land you can't.
Land with strategic value is more valuable than land without.
Land with resources (food, minerals, oil, etc.) is more valuable than land without.
This land is valuable to who controls it.

also do you own land? I will buy your land you say is worthless for a low low price of 100 buck per acre. Oh, you don't own land? suck to be you faggot

Land has value because oeople will pay for it


If it's not valuable, then why do you want it?

get a job, hippy otherwise kindly FOAD


Go on, stand on no land
Grow things on no land
Take a shit in zero gravity
Thats what I thought...
Green leaf

>Labor has value because.. because I said so!

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... which is true of literally everything? Is this kiwifaggot just now becoming conscious? lmao I wish climate change was real so new zealand would sink and everyone there would die.

> this land is worth one third of your after-tax income for 30 years has because…because I say so!

Attached: 6957079C-4804-437D-ABF7-E0CE705ED2FD.png (840x859, 366.22K)

>Land has value because I say so.

Attached: 859af748d1eed0d67d5801a6df188a89.jpg (473x546, 23.98K)

Okay. This is the thread. So dumb it may vanish. I'll post something here for the archive.

Secret info. The game Nationstates uses fake randomness. Targets who use the site get stalked hard and their issue feed gets manipulated. Greek God names in the "random" name pool are one of the hints that this has happened - Zeus and Aphrodite aren't giving you issue options.

I have "coincidentally" gotten Issue #860 "A Blast From the Past" on three out of four of my nations in a tight timeframe. The fucking devs modified this issue so that the first two options (two variations of getting other people to handle the minefield) now drain obesity and the third option (train kids as minesweepers) increases it. As though obesity happened IRL due to people abusing their kids!

The obesity crisis IRL corresponded to a historic DROP in serious child abuses. I think child abusers failing to reproduce may have actually instigated the obesity crisis!