Were the 80s that much better or is that just the member berries talking...

Were the 80s that much better or is that just the member berries talking? I honestly think nostalgia is disease too many people suffer from.

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who gives a fuck kill yourself

Nostalgia was used to demoralize millennials and keep them busy trying to recapture their past instead of build a future. Be grateful then move on.

t. Zoomer fagrag

Your drunk on nigger cum, time to pass out and stop embarrassing yourself


The simple answer is yes, we lived in a completely different world than we do now post 9/11, a much better world in almost all respects. If you didnt live through it then its impossible really for you to understand the differences and useless to dwell on it. However the degeneracy was already in play and the collapse of freedoms and security had already started by the end of the 80's

It no use wishing we could go back though, thats impossible without overthrowing ALL western government and the people taking control again. And if that were to actually happen you could build a society far better than the 60s-90s with the technology we have today

Women were more stuck-up in the 80s than in any other time of the 20th century, including the 90s and even the first decade of the 21st century. Social media really destroyed all of that and it's worse today than ever. On the other hand, the 80s had $1 whoppers at burger king instead of $10 whoppers of today. Gas was relatively inexpensive. There were people who complained about Reagan, but he was a deep breath of fresh air after Carter. The anti-drug propaganda of the 80s was the worse. They basically said "Your child is a drug addict, and if he denies it, it's proof that it's even worse than you think." I never took drugs, but I took beatings from my father for "lying to him about it." I'm a middle aged man today, but I'm really happy that crazy, sick fuck is dead.

Chad got those too, you would've been just as sexless as you are now.

Chad'll get them all.

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>were the 80s better
Yes. A lot better for a lot of reasons that I can’t be fucked talking about again on this copypasta botfarm.

80s was better bro. He'll even the 90s was better than what we're living in now. Also fuck zoomers, they are a waste of oxygen.

Get the fuck out.. Where did you find this?
We used to have it hanging up in our berthing area on the USS Germantown.

I employ a lot of Zoomers and many of them are smart kids but they have been brainwashed by social and mainstream media and the education systems in the west. They literally believe the world is a completely different place than it really is

If you can get them to disconnect and engage in person instead then they become capable people and are certainly more functional than millennials. The problem is that it takes us 2 years, on average, to deprogram the kids we employ so that we can actually start teaching them properly. I feel a bit bad for zoomers, the have been born into the craziest times of the last 500 years in the west and they have a hard time figuring out whats real and what isnt. The good thing about the ones that make it through our screening and training is that they are not fundamentally lazy and entitled like the average millenial. The bad part is that we give up with roughly 65% of those we take on because they are so damaged mentally it just isnt worth the effort and the damaged ones are just so god damn fucking entitled and brain washed that it makes me worry for the future of mankind somedays

Post moar 80s bikini models

America was murdered in 1913 and we're really just wandering around the corpse since then. Nostalgia threads are retarded anyway. What are you going to do about it?

>member berries
Dude I was an infant at the end of it.
I like the garish colors but prefer the violence of the nineties.
How fucking old are you?

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This. Moar hip huggers. At least the zoomies are bringing those back.

Everyone not having mobile phones and the Internet made a massive difference. The 90s were great too for the same reason because we only had dial up

People blame 9/11 but it really wasn't the main factor, it was technology connect everyone instead of focusing on their actual physical environment.

Have you considered hiring kids straight out of high-school rather than university so there's less de programming? Just focus of hiring on raw potential and good habits/attitude

Personally, I miss it terribly. Best years of my life.

Attached: 80's Girls b17.jpg (650x866, 124.45K)

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Ginger Lynn was a young hottie. Hell, I was young and handsome, and thought nothing of riding my bicycle a hundred miles in a day; how could I not miss that? BTW, don't ruin the Ginger Lynn photo by looking up what she looks like now.

Attached: ginger lynn.jpg (860x1200, 148.2K)

that's a man

They were the best times the West has seen since the late 60s.

Until they ended abruptly.

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Based. Thanks bong bro for your insight.

>Were the 80s that much better
Yes. The 70s were even better.

Graduated from High School in ‘89
Yes, everything was better. Everyone who wanted to got laid in high school. PC wasn’t even a thing then, not to mention woke BS. Finding a somewhat trad qt was easier, college was cheap, etc… being an X’er I almost feel like a spoiled boomer compared to how fucked young people are today (I have my own zoomed to worry about)

Can't have that stuff up in living quarters in today's navy :(

>BTW, don't ruin the Ginger Lynn photo by looking up what she looks like now.
Pussy, the whole point of Pol is to expose the truth.

Attached: 71690_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 247.15K)

One reason I haven't gone to any of my high school reunions is because I'd rather remember how the girls looked then. The last time I looked up a girl I used to have a crush on I swore off ever doing it again.

And that's actually a flattering photo of Ginger.

Attached: GingerLynnACS.jpg (1024x682, 92.05K)

I could turn on the radio and tune it to some gnarly rock and metal bands that never got all that big.
We had the best toys: G.I. Joes, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, Voltron, He-Man, Thundercats, etc., their various various weapons, vehicles, etc.
Computers were still neat fun and not the pervasive monstrosities that the internet, smartphones, and social media have become.
Super Mario and Zelda were brand new fun.

Yes we started this year, I have completely dropped the degree requirement and even A level requirement (similar to community college in the US). You basically just have to complete basic schooling at 16 years old to apply now. I just want maths, basic science, basic English and an interest in tech (real tech, not mobile phones, every cunt thinks they are a tech wizard because they can find the reset menu in phone options)

Took on 12 x 16 year old school leavers at the start of July (school year end here) and 8 x degree post grads in May and we are going to do the same next year and see how things pan out. I have completely lost trust in the western education system, especially universities, they cause more harm than good. Its not that all Uni educated kids are bad, some of these kids are smart and aware. They know and recognise right from the start that they are being indoctrinated not educated and make allowances to counter it but they are the exception not the rule

>Were the 80s that much better
For what it's worth I was born in '79 so all my memories are from childhood. It was better in a lot of ways. Unfortunately, crime rates were astronomical in a lot of places. Not just the big cities. That fact is usually overlooked. Mandatory sentencing made the violent crime rates go down fast but then we traded that for the school-to-prison pipeline in the mid 90's.
Also, even most liberal states had more lax gun laws than today, but very few states actually allowed concealed carry. Those laws didn't start to change until the early 2k's.
There were also a lot of "moral panics" in the 80's. Blame whoever you want, the media ran with it. Satanism was probably the biggest one. The Satanism epidemic was supposedly debunked in the 90's. Personally, I think it was a case of being hidden in plain sight. I think we see a lot of this strategy today. The media exposed several child sex Satanic cults, then said there were subliminal messages in Heavy Metal music. Since the latter claim was so easy to disprove, the former claim is considered "debunked" as well.