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Probably more compressed, boobs and plate carriers don't mix well. Shows you how women aren't designed for the military

Women stink after 1 day eirhout a shower. Imagine a month without a shower

It allows them to meet PT requirements. We've been calling it the Equalizer.

it's bulletproof so you don't get your tits blown off

they should still send those hags to die.

imagine the smell

Don't they mean female AND male soldiers, since some who are males now were assigned female at birth?

they have an extra compartment where they can hide their bazookas

$15 nike sports bra that the goveernment will pay $1500 for

easier to clean the coom off



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anti-rape panties would be more useful

>women aren't designed for the military
True, but to be fair, plate carriers weren't designed for women.

The US army would do better to make scented tactical tampons so the rotten seafood odor from their vaginas doesn't give them away to the enemy

It'll be like that bra from Austin Powers

Attached: britney-spears.gif (498x206, 970.55K)

It has quick release straps so they can get out of doing any work easier.

If you spend enough time in the woods you can start to smell when women are on the rag. Combine that with not bathing on the field and enemies will literally smell them coming before seeing them.

Oh, (you)

brand bras are like $20 while Army bras would be $2000

100%-300% markup I presume

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it's just an uncomfortable sports bra but with years of unnecessary developing and testing. the first batch will be in camo too.

Our elites really really want the woman warrior thing to work, but it will not.

The can also market it to the sizable portion of tacticool guys who have tits.

Attached: Tactical.png (565x211, 196.93K)

No need, humans came up with the concept of binding your breasts millennia ago.

you're asking Any Forums about a bra?
good luck with that OP, LOL.


are you guys retarded or some shit?

This is nothing more than the government providing a contract for guarantee of every single female service member to be forced to buy sports bras from this sole entity in order to funnel money into some kike owned company that mass produces it. They do this with pants, shirts, boots, knee pads, etc... it's nothing more than guaranteed money for a company to mass produce this shit. The contract will be awarded to some jew and he will sub contract all of the work out to people who are actually capable of producing the goods.
>t was fucking a contract specialist for the military

It's crazy dude
I have worked 5 seasons in the forest service
4 in wildfire
2 on hotshot crews
After 2 weeks straight up getting destroyed in the woods
no showers
16 hour days
you walk past a normie who has showered and uses deodorant and has cloths that smell like detergent
and you want to attack them
they smell like a weak, chemical covered faggot

tactical bras for the small cost of 1 billion$

some zionist defense contractor gets a big pay day, probably

a tactical bra facilitates rape of the surrendering soldier by the victor

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It can explode.

Women's breasts are weapons of mass destruction. Every man who is paying alimony and child support knows that.