How do we fix the mental health issue in America and what's causing it?

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The jews are working us too hard
We are snapping under pressure

Federal government subsidized fleshlights modeled after pelosipussy

If you want to help people
Fuck you.
You don't get to pay rent.

i think people are realizing that their place in life is to support the elite by consuming their shit and theres really nothing that can be done at this point

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what the fuck do you think is causing it? the degeneration of society. how do we fix it? national socialism.

I think it's the goy slop most of us eat. It ruins our bodies an brains.

>what's causing it?
video games, everybody knows that.

Get rid of the prescription drugs used to drug young children into psychosis

unironically picrel. if you can't adapt to society you need to gtfo. no more normalizing mental illness.

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20 years of federally backed, corporately profited on fear porn will erode the sanity of just about any nation eventually.

> worship a mafia of crazy people specialized in causing mental illness

Literally just stop leftism. That's all you have to do. They justify themselves via the problems they cause, saying that they are the only ones who can fix them, and the only way for them to do it is if you give them more power. All you have to do is say no to them, ignore their historical revisionism, and jail/execute them.

US considers untreated mental health a positive thing.........

see - tranny worship

this is a major problem

Wow you got internet in the favela? Good for you

Da other joos dindu nuffins.

>and what's causing it?
How about the totally corrupt and crazy culture?

The American Way of Lifeā„¢ has become antithetical to human health and flourishing.

mandate residential treatment..

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Oh yeah and also kill kikes

Checked and based