Vincent, Alabama Police in Hot Water over Racist Text

A large group of angry residents in Vincent showing up to a city council meeting Tuesday.

Vincent is a town in Shelby County that sits near the intersection of Hwy. 280 and Hwy. 231.

Residents packed into the town’s small council chamber, upset over a racist joke sent via text message.

They, and the Shelby County NAACP, believe this text was sent by the town’s assistant police chief to other officers.

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who cares lol

The town. They are threatening to dissolve the entire police department over it.

Kek I love racists

Niggers do and their jewish masters

So the town eant to disolve the police cause a nigger said nigger things?

>You can't have dark humor now
Fucking pussies all of them.

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Because the police are white and the town is part black and it's assumed that the police are racist and unfair against the local blacks and the texts confirm it. They are gonna probably shift to using county police and fire all the town police over this.

I'm jewish when do I get my nigger?

Fuck..that's fucking funny. Dave Chapelle should use it.

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Ask your rabbi

I'm not religious.

Says you but you are marked by blood,you cant avoid being religious

you have skizy brain disease

CEO of Comedy here. It’s funny so it’s okay. Everyone can go home now

There was no indication of skin color, so why is this racist?

Fucking do it lmao

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Because racists assume slaves were only ever black


The joke doesn't prove shit except that you niggers are so thin-skinned you chimp out for the stupidest reasons. But please do carry on with your retardation because you're making it easier to prove how unhinged and stupid you are to even the thickest of normies.

Can't wait to see the the military crack your idiot skulls on the pavement.

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Jokes aren’t allowed anymore-moneybags mcshekelstein

>Shelby County
Lol, don't care.