Stab an unarmed white man

>Stab an unarmed white man
>Don't get arrested.
>White man gets arrested

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>“Holman pulled his vehicle up to the group and exited,” officers wrote in an arrest report. “Holman then engaged in a physical confrontation with the group of people and [the witness] states that he observed Holman was struck physically but did not see any weapons.”

>Surveillance video of the incident showed Holman accelerating at the group, getting out of his car and charging at the “group of people,” police said.

Dumbass whitoid fucked around and found out. Criminal charges are just icing on the cake.

Nobody cares plus you’re white

>Surveillance video of the incident showed Holman accelerating at the group, getting out of his car and charging at the “group of people,” police said.
For what reason? On drugs and acting psycho? Or was he provoked?

>A white man accelerated his car and yelled at a group of Black individuals
why is one capitalised but not the other
what is this kike shit

good catch, Aussie

see, lads?

>Or was he provoked?

Witnesses said NOTHING about provocation.

Only that he was yelling racial slurs at the group and falsely accusing them of walking in the road.


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this. hope the brothers in the county make his ass a receptacle of bussy love.

White bitch deserves worse. When white bitch enters my business i will be ready to grasp knife. I will be more cruel than Chang Chad in this case. If I was Chang Chad I cut off white bitches penis as punishment. These bitch think they are genocided they have no idea.

it is not legal to stab somebody just because he yelled racial slurs, assuming he even did.
blacks often falsely claim this to excuse their own crimes. likewise, it is not legal to stab somebody just because he accuses you of something.

what you're describing and defending is corruption

wrong article

fucking based business owner brotha. fuck the crakKkas.

>it is not legal to stab somebody just because he yelled racial slurs

If he speeds at you with his car, jumps out and confronts you in a way that makes you feel concerned about your safety, you bet your sweet ass it is legal self defense

fighting words is still a thing in a lot of places but it can be a hard sell. Niggers get to use it all the time and that's why they always say they were called a nigger before their unprovoked attacks. It's like that guy that got into an argument with a groid at a gas station and the groid threw him down and punched him. Just as he was turning away the White man pulled a gun and smoked him. Initially it was ruled stand your ground but later they prosecuted him over it because the nigger started walking away. So it depends on the situation. If someone physically intimidates you, that's stand your ground. The article makes it seem like someone found him and stabbed him later after the initial confrontation.


They've been doing this since nigger floyd. It's a subtle way to dehumanize and mark Whites as the lesser race.

>man commits robbery
>man gets stabbed by business owner he was attempting to rob
Leftypol and the glowies are really shilling the anti-self defense narrative hard today, aren't they?

>motivated by bias or hatred toward a victim
is this the "racial hate crime" shit? Who ever stabs someone without bias or hatred for that person?

revving your car does not give somebody the right to stab you. if he exited his car, obviously his car was no longer a threat. you just keep making excuses.

"feeling concerned" does not give somebody carte blanche to do whatever he wants to you. careful, lad, your failed logic puts you in danger too.

well that's the thing. he said/she said won't necessarily hold up in court if there is actual video

see above