So why do you support ukraine?

Do you have a reason, or are you just told to do so?

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Putin is racist and homophobic and I want him to suffer.

I support all the decent Ukrainian people but I don't support any side.

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But ukraine is literally comprised of a neo nazi regime that is politically accepted, and is ranked the worst in LGBTQ+ rights in the entire EU.

russia is clearly the aggressor and attempting territorial conquest

Sounds based

To weaken the moskovite horde, historically, since the mongols, strong moskovite powers have always brought suffering to the people's of europe

Its on the other side of the planet, why should I give a fuck.

I don't know, it depends how you see it. The US also threw a hissyfit when soviet nukes ended up at their border. Why did ukraine want to join nato so bad?

>Why did ukraine want to join nato so bad?
to prevent from happening what unfortunately did?


they were warned several times to not continue to try to join nato or else they would be invaded. I mean...

Have you been living under a rock, don't you know the azov battalion?


russia can't dictate security arrangements of other countries

the Azov Batallion..?

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No, but it did take care of its own security arrangements like it said it would.

Fake Russian lies

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the russian stance is completely invalid, no one on their western frontier is actually a threat to them

very poor troll effort. it's all verifiable, even zelensky accepts them because they accept that he likes to wear high heels.

Russia has the power to fight and destroy the Anti-White Globohomo utopia. Ukraine not only does not have that capability but it itself has become part of the Globohomo narrative. Russia vs. Ukraine is really about the liberal- progressive world order represented by the Atlantic "sea power" against the conservative-common sense world order represented by Russia and its allies as "the land power". If only Ukrainian nationalists understood that they are fighting against their own interest.

Yes because i like Nato.
Why i like Nato ? cuz they are bleu and euuuh euuuh wait a sec.....mmm oh i wanna immigrate to France. and i like the usa too. i wanna live there too. so i am mentally supporting my future teams.
Also i like freedoms, democracy and the rules of laws.
also the fucking Nato flag is awesome.

Especially the refugees.