Now that the dust has settled

was he the Antichrist?

Attached: Anthony Fauci.png (655x918, 956.93K)

he is but a small demon to the Antichrist.

instrument of evil

Idk but the media's obsession over him is a little creepy to say the least.

You fucking christcucks don't understand anything. AN ANTICHRIST.
And honestly bring on the antichrist because that jew Christ needs to die.


OP, you give this greedy boomer grifter way to much credit.

Be roadkill I come across him

I don't know, but I sure hate him

Only one of many. And No, Fauxchi does not get the title of THE Antichrist.

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>Man who criticized Dr. Fauci, other official, gets 3 years
You tell me

he's too much of a manlet, jew rat to be the antichrist. the antichrist is supposed to be extremely charismatic and good looking. this faggot is neither.

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Exactly. He's as much of an antichrist as pope frank.

so trump

I get that he's supposed to be a frontgoy, but there's something so unsettling about him and the way he's presented

He's a crypto kike that needs to hang for crimes against humanity. His bullshit posturing about the vaccines cost as many lives as a war would have. He even out right lied to people, had the videos purged of himself lying online, and then even made an official statement defending himself and all his decisions including lying. The only reason why our governments fail to punish this man is because our politicians are ignorant and have the mind of a pre-teen christian.

Do you find the way Keanu Reeves is presented unsettling?

I find it fitting

Fitting for the Antichrist?

>rent free

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)