Name 1 problem with Communism

Name 1 problem with Communism.
>Protip: You can't

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Its followers are retarded

Its fake
And gay


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Communism for the win

>meanwhile capitalism

I fing it funny you western cucks like parrots keep repeating ''communism poor'' meanwhile your shitholes picrel

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>see post below

>all totalitarian dystopias
>rampant starvation
>cults of personality
>historical revisionism
>cultural genocide

Let me know when I should stop

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It doesn't work. SAGE

"name 1 problem with communism"
"alright here are these problems with communism"

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Communism is great as long as you don't like food.

My dude, you’d get shot for being a communist sympathizer under Mussolini’s rule. There’s no “actually we one struggle against capitalism now” with reds

>meanwhile capitalism
>shitholes picrel
>all people fed
>all people clothed
>all people celebrating
>not standing in a breadline

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>meanwhile china is going economically down hill
captialism is shit
but communism is gay shit
at least i cant couch monkeypox from the
first one

Shitty aesthetics

It's marginally better than capitalism because atleast it has SOVL. but thats about it, nothing else positive about it.

Constantly shill the communism vs capitalism meme, even though traditionalist patriarchy is also against capitalism

communism does not imply the existence of bad and stupid people who eventually find themselves in power..
social democracy is better and safer.

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>Name 1 problem with communism

Can everyone who wants to get married in a communist country get married? "Pussy is an asset that should be shared

the problem is that there is no social democracy with an independent government at the moment. Everyone is lying under someone

>I want to give Communism another try, again
Go for it. I to want to give an old ideology another try to. Fascism
OP is the last person who can tell me I'm wrong to do so.

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> Name 1 problem with Communism.
We’re not allowed to execute faggots like op.

Command economy isn't bad, shill

OK retard

That's why it always works so well. Right?

Communism is secularized Judaism.

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Just an excerpt from that essay i posted before, suggest reading the full thing.

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communism is an ideology for ants. capitalism is good only for 000.1% and the rest suffer. we need something more reasonable without extremes.

Marx was always a double agent/controlled opposition.

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Communists aren't all dead yet

he was just a philosopher who was trying to get to the truth. such people are always double and triple agents from the point of view of the layman.

He was a fat lazy fuck who let his children starve. He wasn't a philosopher for shit.

it's never been tried
doesn't seem like a successful political system

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Commies are still breathing.

It denies basic human nature and merely serves as a vehicle to trick stupid people into giving away their rights to a dictatorship. You could almost forgive the common people who thought this was a good idea 100 years ago despite the fact anyone with a brain can spot the inherent flaws in the system from a mile away, but if you still fall for it in the current year you are too stupid to live.