What is a woman Any Forums

I think it's a form of gendered identity and presentation that often incorporates feminine characteristics,

Attached: transwomenarewomen.png (2000x2000, 3.54M)

I'm pretty sure I saw this drag queen in one of my nightmares.

did you find a picture of the most rugged jailhouse nigger and crudely photoshop a negresses face over it? if so, top kek OP

Fucking clown lol.

No, she posted it herself and she is beautiful

Seethe. You know you would

Attached: Screenshot-2022-08-01-105548-960x633.png (960x633, 936.35K)

at least wear makeup that matches your fucking skintone. Jesus christ.

She is not wearing makeup, loser.
You can't refute my definition of woman.

Attached: E1DC6BA7-54A1-485F-BD30-F0E69F18D483.jpg (1536x2048, 445.07K)

those are photoshops. his real face looks like Forest Whitaker and no amount of makeup or surgery is gonna make it any less presentable

The name for a femoid past her prime.

Definitions can't be refuted. They are definitions, not arguments. Definitions are agreed upon and are either useful and consistent or useless and self referential.

That's a fucking dude with the head of Latoya Jackson.

anyone that any point in their development had ovaries. Not proto-ovaries. Not some bullshit people develop. Ovaries. At any point. From blastocyst onward.

Something YOU will NEVER be

Born with a vagina, no y chromosomes,

they'll pull off some edge case bullshit like "what about xxy individuals??". Ovaries i think are the better demarcation. It covers even those women that have them removed.

An adult human female.
Any other definition is sexist.
Nigger that's been photoshoped to shit. Somebody post a picture of what he really looks like.

>What is a woman
An adult human who has XX sex chromosomes.

Someone who can't have prostate cancer.

>Nigger that's been photoshoped to shit. Somebody post a picture of what he really looks like.

Attached: tranny texas cheerleader without faceapp 1659322683056765.jpg (828x1001, 107.46K)

Thank you, user.

Gender doesn't exist, it's all made up bullshit. A woman has XX. That's it. Good day sir.