GOP wants to refund the police so they can beat up black people

Is this true pol?

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>abolish IRS


It's more about a "return to local government" approach. Niggers getting beat is just a positive side effect.

no. sage.

no i want to abolish the IRS, the FBI, the CIA and the police and then hang all the politicians and shoot all the jews and burn their bodies

No its to prevent white people from taking collective action

Social security is about 5% of the IRS or banks budget, most is embezzled or squandered.

>Did we miss anything?
Yes. Police are local, at least everywhere that doesn't suck to live. Alphabet agencies are not.

I would have so much respect for the GOP if they would actually just come out and say that. Everyone knows the only reason anyone supports the police in the current year is because they unironically are the last remaining thin line between feral niggers raping and murdering as much as they want, and in some cities the police aren’t even allowed to stop that. I personally wouldn’t lift a finger to help police but I definitely don’t want them gone if it means niggers feel more comfortable to let their jungle instincts take over even more in public. As expected, conservicucks will throw out the usual “purely economic factors” as to why their nigger brothers in christ must shoplift and pump out illegitimate children instead of stating the obvious

Straw man argument. Literally no conservatives except weirdo libertarians want to abolish IRS, fbi and doj

This is what I also want but add the ATF, DHS, etc.

Nigga you retarded, IRS exist to steal and the fbi is literally the most corrupt organization in history

Checked abolish the entire DoD

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>beat up blacks
>defund feds
>defund social security

>GOP wants to refund the police so they can beat up black people
If the GOP actually said this and promised it. I know for certain people would vote more for them.
>People with nigger fatigue
>Asians sick of being beaten. blaming whites isn't working anymore and niggers see "Stop asian hate" as anti-black
>Whites in general
>some new york jews who have to have their own private police to protect them from nigs
>Uncle toms
>Niggers who act tough on the streets but are bottoms
Black women secretly lust for cops. Seeing big straping white guys laying down the law on pathetic niggers

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Imagine thinking running on a platform of disbanding the IRS won't be ultra popular

Like fucking imagine being that much of a parasite
Like that makes other kikes blush

niggers see stop asian hate as anti black
jews see stop white genocide as anti semetic

tells you everything you need to know right there

It's 12-18 hours of no food that does it.

Every country, every food shortage in history, all the way back through all of recorded history, people riot and go totally fucking bloodthirsty insane as soon as they have missed three meals.

That is the biological land mine hard wired into every single white persons brain, that the niggers are stupid enough to step on. You just have to wait now.

The commies will hang from street lamps. British grenadiers had to stand or kneel and keep rank without firing while getting showered with hot lead, they were not allowed to fire until they saw the whites of their enemies eyes. It's like that now, there isn't even a point in trying to tell people about jews and communists, people know or they are retarded, everyone is just waiting for the enemy to fucking walk into it.

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>duty to warn
more like duty to jewish bullshit

IRS = Feds
FBI = Feds
Police = Local boys protecting their community

It’s not very hard.

>wont be ultra popular
why, do you have some sort of fetish for the fucking IRS?

Imagine thinking
Disbanding the IRS
Won't be ultra popular

As in
It will be popular

>Talking head bot propaganda channel
Fuck off.

Based and America pilled
