Canadians, what do we do about housing?

It's dangerous that there might be a crash. How do we prevent this?

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>How do we prevent this?
We don't, let it crash. Maybe young Canadians will be able to buy a house like their parents did.

>How do we prevent this?
Don't worry. The federal government will move heaven and earth to prevent it. Our banking system as a whole is too big to fail and they're all interconnected with each other and involved in housing such that absolutely everything would explode if it all came crashing down with Canadians failing to pay mortgages at the rates of the Americans in 08.

What you do need to worry about is either A. the rest of the Canadian economy is further pulled down to drag out the housing market just a bit longer, or B. the Liberals pull off some sort of BlackRock-mediated great reset of how Canadians do housing, shock doctrine style.

But everyone put their retirement hopes into their homes. If housing prices fall then the elderly will lose the money they need to relax in their golden years.

yeah. Her kind caused it

Oh no!


It's because China's housing market is going. They're dragging us with them. God I fucking hate them so much

This is probably the greatest weapon against the CCP. If the Five Eyes countries collaborate to let their housing markets crash, it will destroy most of the wealth in China, due to our markets being flooded by "foreign investments".

>chinese buy all the realestate
>chinese money vanishes almost overnight
>now canada has a housing market crash

if you're white, come south, if you're a poo, well stay there and freeze to death.

All a crash would do is give Blackrock/Blackstone tons of cheapies to buy. All the houses would get delisted by banks and then preferentially sold to them, all so WEF can get their (((Reset))).

You forgot about the genocide.

No proof viruses exist.

nigger, that doesn't even fucking make sense, I'm all for buying property and it's value going up, but boomers thinking owning a house that goes up in a value and then not doing anything with that value, are not fucking gaining anything, they are just paying property taxes

>chinese buy all the realestate
This is the "da joos" tier argument. The reality is that foreign buyers account for maybe 5% of all re purchases. 95% is domestic.
Blame greed and capitalism.

Let it crash, its temporary, and market cycles need to complete for a reasonably functioning society

yes 95 are domestic white familys, exactly

Fun fact, a wealthy Chinese kid who's a son or daughter of a CCP member, who has an educational visa to "study" in Canada, will be counted as a "domestic buyer" when their parent slushes them illicitly obtained monies from China, to buy property in Canada.

> be a canuck
> can't afford a house
> want to stop the crash
A housing crash is exactly what you want bro. It's the perfect opportunity for you or your parents to score something decent for dirt cheap

The actual number is higher due to loopholes. It doesn't matter anyway, it should be 0%. Selling a nation's land to foreigners is treason and should carry life imprisonment, minimum.


jesus christ you canadians are complete fucking retards it's just supply and demand
your governments are fucking you over with shitty zoning laws not allowing houses to be built

>It's dangerous that there might be a crash
Dangerous... to whom?

they cant do anything to stop it once the guillotine makes an appearance.