Why is there a blood shortage?

Why is there a blood shortage?

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jews drank it all


I never give blood, fuck niggers and fuck jews

I bet vaxxies are giving blood like 4 times a year, but the doctors keep throwing them out LOL. They're not going to get my unvaxxed blood either, if they allow homos to fucking donate.

are vaxxies able to donate now? remember they were not for a while but havent heard anything about it recently

like id give those vampires my blood

Vaxxed can't donate blood.

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Did you know that niggers use the most blood donations out of all the races?

It is due to the fact that they always get shot and shit for living their stupid lifestyles.

Think about that the next time you want to donate blood.

If HIV homos can donate blood here vaxxies probably can, the doctors must be secretly throwing them out though.

Well black people are the worse race on the planet to be fair user

>if they allow homos to fucking donate.

the flag spoke for itself man

probably trained their entire batch with monkeypozzed gay poison again because they didn't want their to be a stigma. since the blood bank of Canada is planning on selling our plasma and blood on the foreign market I don't know why anyone would roll up their sleeve and donate ever again.

Not My Problem

>HIV homos can donate blood
they can? what is it even used for?

>hospitals are so poor people have to squeeze tomatoes

Yes. I don't know man, I hope straight people don't get their faggot blood.
>Canada removes ban on blood donations from gay men

kek what a faggot infested country

Maybe setting them aside for when somebody of a race they don't like comes in needing blood.

LOL, hope they don't hate white people

Canada typically doesn't pay for blood donations, that's why.

because the 'expect' donations

blood shortages would never happen if they just paid people for it but the stupid nigger organizations just want to maximize profit by not paying you

just cause you donate your blood doesnt mean they dont sell it for 1000s to hospitals and shit

To poz up straight white men

>the blood bank of Canada is planning on selling our plasma and blood on the foreign market
source? thats fucked if true

The solution is upping immigration to 1,000,000 per year.