Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me. Alex Jones mouthpiece for Sandy Hook defamation trial, Daria Karpova...

Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me. Alex Jones mouthpiece for Sandy Hook defamation trial, Daria Karpova, thisn't just Russian, she was on the Russian Federation Judo team.

Oh yeah, she lost to Ukraine in 2017


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bye one of the good threads on pol
pol is not ready for you


are you saying that Jones is connected to da Russkis?

ALL the conspiracy/disinformation shit is coming from Russia to divide Western societies, and its working because there's plenty of gullible dumbfucks that fall for it.

Russians installed all the Jews into power too. Those sneaky Russians.

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>from russia

jesus your stupid

The russkis are back the Republicans and the chinks are backing the democrats. That's how it is. This is not mere speculation. Both liberal faggots are right wing retards were right on their accusations. Trump was a Russian agent and Democrats are owned by the CCP. Russians love right wing movements.
But looking at the cold war russkis were always the good guys.

russian jews?

wanna talk about shitsrael, kikerot?
check this out

another one

jesus your stupid. stay in your shitter and stay out of our business.

The left: these two people are identical
Also the left: I don't see how adam landza and david hogg are the same person.

or maybe you would prefer a nice audiobook?
oven yourself out
archive.org/download/BioJew/Narrations The Biological Jew Part 1.mp3

here niggerjew ia601300.us.archive.org/27/items/BioJew/

>tfw no Russian judoka gf


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>how u.s. let israel "steal" nuclear weapons to use against sand people who inhabit the land above valuable assets

Israel. You mean Israel.

Step aside.

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HEMEДЛEHHO yдaлитe cвoй кoнcпиpoлoгичecкий pycoфoбcкий пocт пoкa я нe дoлoжил o нём нaшeй aгeнтype

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Trump is a Chabad agent. Russia is just one place that Chabad has higher power. Liberal kikes in media can’t point this out because it fuel the true narrative that Jews have undue influence in world. So instead they use the euphemism as Russia bad. It’s just an inner tribal power squabble between Chabad and liberal Jews.

I think you're right in most of this. How weird huh!
Whats your take on who backs who in UK?
Truss? Rishi? Boris? Starmer? Corbyn?