Why isn't America acting now?

You know during the 3rd Taiwan strait crisis in 1996, China protested Taiwanese president's visit to the US with missile tests, and stopped the moment the US dispatched two carrier groups.
Now apparently nothing is being done against China.
Has America lost its power?

Attached: Taiwan_Strait.png (681x800, 206.95K)

trannies and diversity hires in the military

Yeah America's pretty much finished bud. Damn, I guess that means all those South Koreans got circumcised for nothing.

>Why doesn't United States fuck them up
>Why does United States always go around the world fucking shit up

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China built it's internal policy over tard raging over Taiwan.
They have done nothing in the past and will keep on doing nothing now.
I think the term is China Fatigue.

Attached: China can't conquer this.jpg (897x1024, 171.52K)

See what happens here is you go to other countries, put a military base there, and promise you'll protect them. Then you don't and they learn the hard way that amerimutts are never to be trusted.

How mad should we be about china attacking water?

Shut up chinklite our president is dying of covid youn know damn well we cant be fighting the people who make all our funkos. We are focused on getting griner back instead.

China has their own problems at home with their banks falling apart and discontent among the populace rising. I doubt they're willing to spend more money and send troops to Taiwan while worried about their own assets

citation needed

It looks to me that all the Chinese is doing is to satiate nationalists's discontent. Especially when their diplomatic policy has been about hegemony through economic power.
That being said, it makes me wonder even more why America isn't acting.
It would be a great diplomatic victory if the US did the same as they did before.

Failing domestically? Sounds like a good time to start a diversion conflict.

IF Taiwan had a Nigger Ball Stadium complex, we would have already surrounded the island for safety and nuked the chink's.

I would imagine because us businesses sank so much money into China and their profit margins heavily depend on their cheap manufacturing that they don't want to piss that away. I think it's kinda like the Germany Russia situation but with manufacturing instead of power supply

the US navy didn't need to worry about the Mediterranean, Hormuz and Russia in 96 unlike now. If they were to pull carriers from the other theatres and show up with four of them plus various LHA to cross the strait china would hide very quickly. On top of that 25 years ago the american and chinese economies didn't need each other as much as they do now.

Wait... There's an American Military base in Taiwan?
You know something that we don't, Chink?

>our president is dying of covid
Stop - your making me hard.

>do you have a peer reviewed source to prove that the American hegemony is propped up by fake military imperialism with bases in countries they have no interest of actually protecting in a war?

Attached: 71.png (407x400, 115.69K)

Turner already explained this in his diaries.
USA becomes massively weak due the diversity hires and most of them are borderline retarded or have ulterior moves where they want to hurt America as much as possible. Same thing happened to CIA and FBI.

>raging gookleaf gets called on his bullshit, and has nothing
Kinda like xi xingpooh. You gooks really are all bark no bite

China wasn't much back in 1996 so they knew they'd have to back off against America.
But China has gotten much stronger since then while America is slowly regressing.
Americans cannot just bum rush them anymore.

fpbp. They purged most of the real warriors over politics. It's over.

Raging Chinks are fun to watch.

Right now America is just standing back and watch them fail.
No force needed.

>other country