I don't belief that Any Forums is a rightwing board, it's neither leftwing nor centered

I don't belief that Any Forums is a rightwing board, it's neither leftwing nor centered.
It is some weird shitpost imageboard with anons who abadoned the believe in politics and are outcasted from the society they themself call the clown world.
There is some heavy rightwing conspiracy theory going on with jews and a child traffican ring, too many glowniggers and bot threads, somewhat controlled by ja'nnies who either glow too or just serve some odd cult on the internet; known either as plebbit or what ever ufo cult there is.

I think this board is the last place on earth where your concerns about the world can be posted.
Thank you for the blog.

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Any Forums is a bunch of neoliberals letting their pent up racism out online. They just larp as nazis because they hate what they really are.

Watch it tranny

So basically mint btfos tons of bugs. We should go drop a bunch of mint bombs on china

oh, i almost forget the 80% of Any Forums, the leafs.

the Any Forums tranny police making some sort of a projection again

mint and lavender.

I’m a man, Nikolai. Nothing is ever going to change that. Same goes for your attempts to be a woman. No amount of vodka will convince someone that you’re a fucking chick. You’re just a virgin living in a country that’s getting its ass kicked

>I’m a man, Nikolai. Nothing is ever going to change that. Same goes for your attempts to be a woman. No amount of vodka will convince someone that you’re a fucking chick. You’re just a virgin living in a country that’s getting its ass kicked

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oof, if I were a 14 year old girl, i'd be totally put down by that gay ass rhetoric, tranny

All hail Chad Zelensky. Our savior.

Why would anyone be jealous of an incel?

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Cool blog post faggot

Post vaxx status please. While you’re at it please provide booster status too. Something really fucked your brain up and I want to figure it out

kek ngmi

>starts mumbling about vaccines apropos of nothing
Yeah I'm thinking it's been a long time since you touched grass

>All hail Chad Zelensky. Our savior.
you know I'm getting more and more convinced you shill faggots are just a bunch of insecure weak pussios in real life. If you're not actually getting paid for the shitstorm you driving up on this board, then you're certainly doing it out of insecurity

Took the political compass, I’m barely left-libertarian. But I still know satanic pedophile ziobanksters control the world because it’s the truth. I also think immigration is wrong in general because people should build up their own countries and tampering with another peoples’ society and phenotype is wrong. Also I believe in free speech so I should be able to tell niggers, spics, faggots, troons, and cunts what I think of them.
>the last place on earth where your concerns about the world can be posted
Yes, and get insight in response.

So lavander, mint and lemongrass mix

>Can’t answer the question
Your opinion is no longer valid vaxtard
Well I’m certainly not going to let some dirty Russian make smartass comments to me without defending myself

faggot this is the virtual bar brawl server, mlp is that way....