Why did the economy switch to big ass

Instead of big tits?

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because white girls are adapting to nigger tastes

also asses can be shaped with training, and women don't know about natural breast enhancement yet

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Men attracted to tits have mommy issues. Freud was right. Yall some incestuous faggots.

Because big ass is better

hush Hassan

holy fuck

Sexy eyes > big tits >>>>>>>>> big ass

it's the result of nigger music getting extremely popular in the 2000s

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Built for BBC

Big ass is more inclusive. Anybody can be fat and sitting down all day.

>Men attracted to tits have mommy issues.
Yeah well I love big titties

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You can work out and get a nice ass. If you want nice tits you need plastic surgery

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That's cause in Canada maple syrup comes out of them. I'd be into that too. The only problem is your woman also look like men.

How can you even argue with that statement

More tits for me then.

>t. small-tittied womanon

because lgbt+ is all about having pride in sodomy

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For me it's both. Why settle for one or the other?

the marketing shifted from beauty towards "what you can become"
you can get a fat ass easily
tranny shit is another manifestation of this, not what you are but what you can become is important in marketing

big ass is an african fetish due to hunter gatherer women storing fat there in bountiful times to save it for lean times, much like a camel's humps, those who evolved in farming communities had access to sustenance all year around so didn't need to evolve ass fat storage, basically this means if you like fat asses you have african hunter gatherer DNA, pic very much related

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Cause fat women gaslight instead of exercise.

I very much enjoy a petite ass on a pretty woman.
Now witch one of you guys should I believe?
Also couldn t find high rez photo

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>anybody can work out and have nice ass
That's not what is happening. This is fat woman acceptance cope, which is also nigger culture.

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There's not even sound and I'm so irritated I want to put it down.

if you dont sexualize yourself your main focus is your face, that means your tits are what's in people's faces
if you do sexualize yourself whatever is in close proximity to the sacred fruit is hotter
angus, buttcheeks, bush tits are too far away to be interesting

because JEWS promote NIGGER culture.
NPCs adopt whatever faggot shit pop culture puts in their face.


Fat is in, You can't have small asses with obese consumers driving your service economy.

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To please niggers and assorted subhuman imports.

Nigger, found you nigger.