Attached: petty-theft-e1415629515622.jpg (1200x708, 224.33K)

nope, kill em

Attached: 1644842034497.jpg (1000x972, 122.05K)

Anyone who tells you to kill your countrymen is the enemy ^ ^

>criminal mugs you
>beats you
>rapes your wife
>"Don't kill them though! muh white unity!!!"
this thinking is what destroyed black people, not gonna work here

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Is he okay?

Why should it be? The punishment for theft should be paying back what you stole, and if you can't afford to pay back, then you'd be forced into labor until you've paid it back.

Slavery isn't wrong. It's the proper punishment for theft if you can't pay back.

However faggots deserve the death penalty.

he was holding his backpack in such a way as to imply there was a gun inside, the chingchong had reason to be concerned for his safety

Theives should be killed, maimed or marked so as to make people aware stealing is not right. Most degenerates are theives. They steal to fulfill the needs of their inner hidden self. Called kleptomania.

Why should I work to buy something and then watch a peice of trash steal because he thinks he is entitled to more than me. Fuck that. I report the fuckers. Especially in stores like walmart. Not that the staff cares. They steal too. So does the store itself. In their case they write the shit off of their taxes as a loss. That is why they let it happen.

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We should at least cut off a hand.

Make it easy to identify the fuckers at a distance.


maybe little antifa bitch boys should think twice before jumping over a counter to steal shit since they might be interpreted as coming in for an attack :)

Anyone who hates my country's ideals and principles and tries to undermine them by electing communists is no countryman of mine.

>anyone who disagrees with my opinion should die
You've been on the internet so long your sense of self-importance has increased to LETHAL LEVELS!! Turn back, your family misses you.

jesus, that was pretty metal

yeah, lost his head a bit but he'll walk it off

Funny aside. I have been using the self check out at Walmart. I do this only so I can bag my stuff, my way. Since doing so, i have only seen three people get caught by security. An old nigger with a walker, a wigger tweaking and a bitch boy queer in dark glasses and expensive clothes. Go figure. That store is full of spics. Normally they are horrible theives. In this case it has been two whites and a black.

Strong-armed robbery is a violent felony and easily defendable with deadly force

He defended his product, not himself.

all criminals are honorary niggers
the most defining aspect of being a nigger is being a criminal

Only if you're a nigger. white people still get punished

a team of criminals jumping the counter are a deadly threat
stabby mc criminal stabber wasn't arrested for a reason
he ALREADY walked
cope and seethe nigger


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seems like someone needs to die (you)

based and stab-all-criminals pilled

What you have examples of were assaults and violent uses of force. None of these were displayed by the White brethren in the video. Try again Moshe

OP clearly doesnt own a business that feeds him and his family.

jumping over the counter is a violent use of force