HIROSHIMA ~77 Years On~ Preserving survivors’ message of peace

HIROSHIMA ~77 Years On~ Preserving survivors’ message of peace


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Little Boy and Fat Man were fake.

Video unavailable. Harry Truman was based

get fucked loser AHAHAHAHAHAHA

who gives a shit except japs

Amazing how cities that were literally nuked are infinitely more beautiful and prosperous than nigger infested cities.

Hiroshima city

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Thats because of the institutionalized racism and systemic government oppression against african americans. Its been that way since the colonizers massacred the native americans and stole their land.


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Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony

fun fact: the inscription on ''peace monument'' of Hiroshima only says ''won't make the same mistake ever again''
but it's intentionally not clarifying who's mistake and who won't the make same mistake, it can be interpreted in both ways, Japan's mistake or America's mistake
Japan often does shit like this

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Day Lantern Ceremony

The mistake was not nuking them again

Fun fact: our only mistake was not dropping a 3rd one

That's some pretty advanced interpretation

In one month the 9/11 crying will start again.

doubt that. two was probably enough for experiments and intimidating communists

only americans and koreans are reacting emotionally for hiroshima nowadays


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Hiroshima is a spooky place. Aside from the fact that it's not as well maintained as Kyoto or Osaka, there's a stillness in the air that's incredibly haunting. Under the main monument, there's a museum dedicated to the event. Last time I was there, it told the story of this soldier as he read from his dead brothers journal. Brother was hit with radiation poisoning, died before the POW brother returned from Siberia. He basically became an anti-American nearly-terrorist, until he started painting and coming to terms with it. Sad stuff.

Goro Shikoku if anyone is interested. Really sad story I was welling up by the end.