Women have surpassed men in the economy

More and more young men are leaving society, while women are starting very successful careers. Why?

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Women need to have all rights removed immediately.

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Idk bro i think a plane ticket and ski mask cost significally less

kek someone check the wallet for any simp that paid

you cant. its monero.

Good. Let us leech neetbucks from them for now on.

what kind of blockchain is open to public to read, it defeats the whole point of being decentrilized

It’s for drug dealers you faggot


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>Women have surpassed men in the economy
Short-lived victory. Women are more bound to their biological imperatives than men are. Men would like to be fathers, women *need* to be mothers, or they'll go fuckin crazy. And now they've convinced themselves that they will only be mothers to the top percentile of men, despite those men not wanting to settle with them, so they're holding out for too long and watching their eggs go sour.

Next two decades are going to be really rough for girlbosses in [current year], meanwhile men are already used to living thankless existences, so it'll be more of the same for us.

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not my problem

Men live to please women.
Women said
>we want to work now! full-time jobs! boring office jobs! now!!
So men said
>sure honey, whatever you want
And now they're getting stressed out doing all this shit, which they have to because of peer pressure.
Meanwhile men drop out of society so they can have fun instead. Fine with me.

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Also we can be 60 and start families. Roasties literally on suicide watch.

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>women have surpassed men
Wow, almost as if social decay and women's success are directly correlated!

Why did she make a black dude dress as donkey Kong lol

> very successful careers.
Indeed they are very successful in their bullshit managment-office "jobs"

Pretty sure this picture she used won't help her sell her service

Isn't this just prostitution?

Who is dumb enough to pay so much money for mediocre pussy? Ffs for that amount you can get yourself a full time harem in South East Asia

I bet she will get enough takers to fill every day for the next 5 years.

I guess her business isn't actually going that well if she's considering full time prostitution.

thats not her website
that's some scammer using her pics to scam moneros

Of course it is. Imagine paying 100k for a night with any slut lmao

Thats 200 to 500 experiences with premium prostitutes and alot of cocaine