Imagine being such a shitty country that you rely on another one to fight instead of you

Imagine being such a shitty country that you rely on another one to fight instead of you.
russians are inferior bread. Even lesser than sandniggers and niggers.

Attached: screenshot.png (798x685, 630.5K)

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kinda like israel?

Kind of like the US and their "coalition" that left Afghanistan with their tail between their legs?

However I concede that jews are killing sandniggers, so I'm fine with that.

The error we did is that we wanted to reconstruct the country. But we should have killed them all. Sandniggers.

Not my problem.
the west is fighting proxy wars.I will not mind if they buy all African mercenaries.

China-Russia-N.Korea is the neo-Mongol Empire.

Can't even defeat the west. LOSER

this, who gives a shit the US uses the ukroids as proxies for their war, if russians use niggers its even better, since it removes niggers.

Yeah, it's humiliating.
We're gonna be humiliated all the way to annexing the entire South and East of Ukraine, while brave Ukrainians will gloriously win their way to extinction.

>is that we wanted to reconstruct the country

kek, do you really belive your own lies? The US did nothing in afgahnistan... in the 20 years nothing changed there.

100% for this as well.
But russia is directly involved. If they have to use niggers fighting for them, that means they can't fight themselves, and therefore, are inferior.

yeah, moshe
who does THAT kind of stuff?
makes you wonder what's wrong with them
besides schizophrenia and degeneracy, that is

Attached: 55c.jpg (1190x913, 217.05K)

Are you an idiot? This is a special operation, not a war. who wants to go and fight. in russia there were 0 mobilizations, and in ukraine 5-6.

>Imagine being such a shitty country that you rely on another one to fight instead of you.
Well said. The fact that mutts needed to form a coalition to attack Iraq basically exposed their dogshit military as a paper tiger that couldn't even beat some towelheads on their own lmao.


Attached: Finno-Korean_Hyperwar_Info.png (317x1442, 284.1K)

nice thread shlomo woodendoorstein

Good example of yet another artificial and unnatural country with no national identity.

Most Israeli are Russians in origin afterall.

>niggers its even better, since it removes niggers.
Are you implicitly saying that Russia will lose then?

Big if true. This is it boys, WWlll confirmed

Maybe they didn't wan to get stuck for 5 months with a 19% of the country? Asking for a friend.

Do you mean North Korea?

>19% of the country
Kek, 19% is an unachievable control value for the mutt, considering how they were confined to microscopic green zones and never controlled anything beyond them lmao.

North Koreans are the best soldiers for this war
>accustomed to using no vehicles and just marching everywhere
>accustomed to piss poor equipment
>accustomed to little food and water

North Korean soldiers in Eastern Europe? Hahahahh the fire rises

enjoy your freedom while it last

i really want to see a bunch of dead and surrendering north koreans, pls do this

>>accustomed to little food and water
If they do it on a traditional east Asian way, they don't need food.
They need war prisoners.

we were installing inclusion and diversity thats somethng :-)

I call bullshit

This could be huge for north korea, establishing good ties with Russia means massive economic boost.

Killing sandniggers with the trillions we give them. Better for some dumb shitskin sandniggers to wipe out the existence of Israel IMO

Kek that fatso is hopping that Putin will share the nuke science with him

uh huh what about the reddit battalion that fights for cuckraine?

Must be why they singlehandedly killed 80% of Nazi forces in WW2. Also, it's never going to happen as fights are mostly between militias and Ukrainian Armed Forces.

so nothing happened yet

Kek they will use it as an opportunity to flee best Korea. That being said - nice friends you have, Russia. Pathetic.