What's the point of getting rich when you are 40+?

What's the point of getting rich when you are 40+?
Why should one grind and suffer during his best years as a young man?

We should change how retirement works and do nothing until age 30, then work until we are able to or die

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Its Simple cause your brain works best in its primal

Imagine living with your mom and dad until you're middle aged.

shut up faggot

I'm almost there, it's not bad, it'd be bad if I was a Chad or had any purpose, but as an incel bugman not bad at all, my only complaint is that my parents have always been to broke for me to NEET so I've had to work and spilt the bills with them

I'm 39, I get lots of poon. I doubt it's going to be super horrible in my 40s. By year time I'm in my 50s i hope my garden is really strong so I have something to do

Ya, sure i did that. Partied partied partied. Had a kid and partied partied partied. Now I'm 51 and panic panic panic. stfu kid.

>> We should change how retirement works and do nothing until age 30

Thats essentially what I did and its the only reason I have a wife and son now. I honestly have no idea how ordinary to ugly people get laid while working full time. We would talk until 3am every night ride motorcycles through the night. Now I’d have to be like I have at 8 its beddy bye bye time.

How the fuck does one live to 51 without a meaningful career

If it weren't for the laws of the land, old men would have nothing and the young lions would seize on their inheritance.

Just gamble on cryptos and make it. Biz does it all the time, and most have a higher networth than this board.
The next ethereum is ICP, and biz is all over it.
Good luck anons.

Same thing with war; old men are garbage. March them into the machine gun emplacement to get slaughtered and let the young guys stay home to fuck their girlfriends.

have you not seen all the old people working shitty jobs?

You must own a house though with those cheap 90s prices. Even if you don’t you still reproduced which means you are at least the equal of the animals and amoebas and not a complete failure.

this is the asian mind

Retirement is a meme. Originally it existed because people were too old / sick to work. We are going back to that anyway.

As to getting “rich” 40+, fine. If you are only rich then, hopefully you are already married and have kids and are rich for them.

If you are single, rich and 40+, then yes, you are fucked and need hookers.

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I assume they had careers they lost, or had retired and taken an easy job for something to do

imagine careing about what is acceptable and how life should be lived.
be your own boss and take care of your loved ones , all that matters.
everything else is jewish brainwishywashy.

...or you could live a healthy lifestyle while young and not be 'old' at 40.

You are a slave, shut the fuck up. The elites don't serve you, you serve the elites.

I fucking hate working

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is this the new lazy nigger cope?
get a job you worthless fuck